The Importance of Sexual State
Sexual state is critical, and should always be present when you talk to a woman.?It seems strange to me but I think a lot of men are actually afraid of beautiful women.? You can see it when they talk to a girl.? It?s either:
Logical or boring
Too complimentary
Fake ? the words are uttered to make it appear sexual, but it?s not!
The question is ? do you actually want to fuck women, or not?? Focus on this instead of the validation of your peers / friends?? Or even having? your ego satisfied that you are ?good with girls? or ?taking steps to sort out this part of your life.?
That’s the wrong approach?
You have to get in touch with your sexuality. Raw masculinity.? Use your natural instincts!
Do you believe that men and women get together because they feel desire and passion for each other?? Because they want to fuck??Or perhaps it’s about common interests / hobbies??Which one do you think it is?? Which seems most likely to you?
Years ago, I used to go to sexually charged clubs a lot. When I started out at age 18 I used to just stroll up? to women in nightclubs and start kissing them.? Sometimes 6 or 7 in a night. I never said? a word. It cuts right through to the chase, cuts out all the nonsense.? It seemed obvious straight away that this is what seduction was all about.
Now that I am older I still have the same core belief but have refined it..But still this sexual, raw element needs to be there.? It has to be the MOTIVATION to talk to her in the first place.
So, to be practical, how do you begin to tap into this?
1: Stop Jerking Off!?
It has the effect after a few days of making you horny, simple.? Especially after Day 3.? You have been warned!
2:?Start eating good wholesome foods, natural foods.?
Cut out alcohol.? Sleep well.? Get exercise.
3: When you see a woman you like and want to approach, blank your mind of everything and FOCUS ON HER.?
Focus on her beauty.? Look at her arse. Watch it move. Imagine it in front of you and your dick sliding in and out of her. Look at her breasts. Imagine sucking on them. Imagine her on top of you with them bouncing around and a look of pleasure on her face with her head thrown back..
Feel the desire running through your body and then go and talk to her. For gods sake she?s a WOMAN. Don?t you want to get her into your bed?
The best compliment you can give a woman is to desire her. But actually really desire her, just raw desire.? Be like a child that sees a toy and wants it, grabs for it.? That child feels no other conflicting emotions about it, and doesn?t worry about what it is thinking. It just WANTS THAT TOY!
You have to make an effort to be the same about a woman.
If possible, spend a bit of time just looking at her and appreciating her, and put yourself in this state before you approach. ?Use that desire to move you to action.? It is more overpowering than any unpleasant? emotion associated with approaching (e.g. fear etc.).
4: Practice putting yourself in this sexual state as much as possible. ?
Imagine scenarios like the one above throughout your day..Live it!? Get used to feeling this raw, animal state.? It is your god given RIGHT as a man to feel this way and it is a GOOD thing!
It is not a technique, it is not a piece of technology..This is what real men do when they talk to women.
Don?t be afraid of beautiful women.
For more articles and videos of Steve in action visit his website:?
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Steve Hutt Steve is a pick up artist extraordinaire. He has been involved in the seduction community for over 8 years and has been a leading light of the London scene during all of that time. Steve has successfully married an in depth understanding of attractive core masculine characteristics, female sexuality - with extraordinary real world application. He is widely regarded to be the finest and most successful natural pick up artist in Europe. Here is a link to his personal site.