3 Tips To Speed Up Your Online Dating Success
Do it right!
The reason most guys don’t succeed with online dating is that they fail to get any sort of positive momentum going. So they just sort of give up on it, or tinker with it randomly without putting any real effort in. This frustration and willingness to give up is understandable. After all, if you aren’t seeing good results from something then it can can feel pretty stupid to keep going with it, investing your time and energy. So in today’s article I’m going to give you some tips on how you can speed up your online dating success and start getting results right away. When you get a taste of how awesome online dating can be, and how many women you can meet you will be hooked!
The first step to getting a date with a girl online is getting her to actually open the e-mail message that you send her. Attractive women can receive an astonishing number of e-mails and it is very common for a woman to only open e-mails with headlines that interest her. So, it’s very important that your e-mails be among the ones that she opens. You don’t need to write a subject line that’s going to make her like you or feel attracted. That’s not the point. All that your subject line needs to do is get her to open and read more, that’s where you start building up the attraction. The great trick for writing e-mail subject lines is to make them like little cliffhangers so that she needs to open your e-mail to discover what it is you’re talking about. Also, using her name in your e-mail will help a lot because we all like to hear our name and it will make her feel like this is an e-mail sent to her specifically and not just blasted out to hundreds of random women. For example you can use these two tricks together and write a subject line that like: “Katie… I’m telling!” This will grab her attention, and she’ll be forced to open your e-mail and read it.
You may have heard that dating is a numbers game, and in many respects this is true, particularly when it comes to meeting women online. The more women that see your profile and read your e-mails the more opportunities you’re going to have to start talking to these girls, get their numbers, and get them out on dates with you. Often, my clients have complained to me that they only get a date or two per month from online dating or even less. Then when I ask them how many e-mails they’re sending out, they tell me four or five. Seriously? Unless you’re a total online dating ninja, you really can’t expect more than 2/10 girls to get back to you on a dating site. If you want to go on more dates, like two per week let’s say, then you should be sending out 10 or 20 e-mails a week. And hopefully that should not sound like work to you. Have fun with it!
Transitioning from e-mailing a woman to getting her off-line and on a date with you can be confusing if this is something you are just getting started with. One mistake you don’t want to make is to start chatting with a girl over e-mail and then they let it drag on for days or even weeks. When you do this There’s a very good chance that the girl will either go M.I.A., or when you finally do ask for her number she’ll say she wants to chat more and it will never pan out. Instead, you need to strike when the iron’s hot. Tell her “I’m not a big e-mailer, I’d rather call you up, what’s your phone number?” What you’ll find is that most girls who are up for dating you are totally cool with giving you their number right away and skipping that e-mail chitchat. And of course once you’ve got her on the phone it is incredibly easy to just set the date and take it from there.
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About Jake Vandenhoff Jake Vandenhoff is a dating coach and author specializing in self-development and online dating. He offers an array of programs to help guys succeed with women naturally, without relying on outdated PUA tactics. His Online Dating Playbook offers step-by-step instructions for meeting girls online, and connecting with them authentically. Visit www.jakevandenhoff.com to claim a free copy of Jake's Online Dating Secrets eCourse.