The Guide To “Sexcalation,” Part 2

Hey there. Jon Sinn back with part 2 of the article on sexcalation, which is the idea of escalating in the interaction verbally, physically and logistically towards sex with the idea of having sex with her overtly on the table.

In part 1 I shared a few of my favorite sexual teases, now I want to share some of my favorite tactics for sexcalating physically.

Physcial Sexcalations are equally as important if not more important than verbal sexcalations. Because obviously you have to get the woman physically turned on to get her ready to have sex with you. This process of getting the girl turned on is often called arousal and it’s one of the least talked about subjects in the Seduction Community even though understanding arousal will take you farther than almost anything else.

It’s also important to understand that these sexcalations are things you’re going to do after the girl is already attracted to you. If you try to bust these things out too early, it will definitely freak the girl out. So make sure you’ve already at least hugged the girl or held her hand before you try to sexcalate physically.

Alright, let’s talk about physical sexcalatons because I have a couple different ones, it’s tough to see them in your mind’s eye when I’m talking to you through this article, so bear with me. I’m going to give you 3 or 4 ones that really good, nice little pieces that not too many people do.

The first one is the scratch, neck, hair pull. A lot of guys do the hair pull, but very few of them do it in what I consider the sexually arousing way, that will make the girl’s hair stand on end. So what I’ll do at some point in the interaction, usually when we’re in comfort or something, I’ll just reach over and I’ll put my hand on the base of her neck, upside down, like my palm facing my elbow, if that makes sense, and I’ll softly scratch my fingers up her neck. Hopefully she moans, or bites her lip, then at that point I’ll grab the root of her hair and give a little tug, not enough to move her head, but that’s a good one.

Another really good one is the kiss and blow on the neck. This is a really good one for when you’re hugging her. I’ll just put my lips on her neck enough to make it wet, and then I’ll blow on it, that’s a really good arousal technique. Another good one is, this one is impossible to describe in text but I’m going to try because it’s that good. When you’re hugging a girl from behind, grab like where her thigh meets her butt, if you can imagine that, and pull her thigh back a little and that will separate the labia which is sexually arousing for the ladies. So those are three physical sexcalations right there.

Another good one is just sticking your hand down the back of her pants. If you’re walking her out of a venue, I do this on dates, I do this with girls I’m bouncing back to my house, I’d just stick my hands down her pants. Actually like down her jeans, or if she’s wearing a skirt or dress, I’ll actually stick my hand up it, and cup her ass. The ass cup of destiny, as I’ve called it on my blog, but that’s a good one because it’s like Last Minute Resistance precursor, because where does LMR usually hit? When you get your hands into the pants. If I can get my hand down the pants and then get it out before she actually tries to pull it out, then she’s used to me putting my hand down her pants. It actually works really well. If a girl lets you cup her ass or go up her skirt or down her pants she will have sex with you almost 100 percent of the time.

Hopefully by now you have started to get an understanding of the process of sexcalation and how you can use it both verbally and physically to move the interaction towards sex with the idea of having sex with her overtly on the table.  No more having to hope things turn sexual or waiting for “when the time is right.” Sexcalation gives you the tools and tactics to move things towards sex every time.

>>>To Learn More From Jon, Check Out His Scientifically Proven Seduction Roadmapwhere he shows you how to quickly and easily seduce ANY woman in ANY situation.







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About john sinn Sinn is widely regarded as the second best PUA in the world. Sinn is known for his hard nosed style and take no excuses approach to teaching. He is a nondenominational teacher, which means that he subscribes to no particular method and instead blends the best of every school of seduction to create the best possible results for himself and his students. Sinn is currently running his own pick up company The Sinns Of Attraction, which offers live, phone and email training.

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