Must-Read: Let’s All Critique Maxim’s Hot 100 List
As we’ve stated in this space time and time again, lists are what drives the Internet. They are easy-to-write items with little-to-no thought that are put out there only to draw comments. But that’s what makes them so intriguing, and is the reason that when we stumble onto a particularly great list, we have to bring it to your attention. Which is why today we’re pimping out Maxim, and telling you all to?check out their so-called “Hot 100” List, where they determine, through a no-doubt scientific series of calculations and voting process, to determine the “hottest” gals working today in a variety of fields. Oh, and all 100 in the list come with their own gallery! Which is important! Because it leads to seeing photos like this from, number 3 on their list, Mila Kunis:
Number 3?
Now don’t get us wrong. Number 3 is nothing to sneeze at. But by placing the effervescent and glamorous Mila Kunis at number 3, that means that Maxim thinks there are two people who are “hotter” than she is. And those people are Olivia Munn and Bar Refaeli. Now, both of those ladies are fine in their own rights, and would no doubt make our own list of top however-many. But to say they are more attractive, or the nebulous “hotter” then Ms. Kunis, well, that’s just insane talk there.
And that’s how lists work. You read them, think about them for a second, get angry at someone’s slight, and then move on. So then, head on over to the list above, take a gander through the list — and, of course, through the photo galleries — and let you voice be heard as to who you think is too high and/or too low on the list. The best comment in the section below wins … absolutely nothing!
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.