Must-Read: Warm Weather Dates
Time to get your date on
Go ahead, stick your head out the window right now. (If it’s not raining while you’re reading this, that is.) Feel the sun on your face, let the wind echo in your ears, and listen to the birds tweeting and the bees humming. (Note: This may not actually be the case if, say, you’re sticking your head out of the window while in downtown Chicago, or any cityscape really.) It is nearly there, everyone. Summertime is just about here. And summer means dates, everyone. It’s picnics in the park, holding hands on the beach, going for a strenuous hike on a desolate trail. It’s a road trip, or taking in a flick at the local drive-in. It’s the perfect date weather.
Which is why today we’re highlighting this article from the great folks over at Men’s Fitness that goes through the best date ideas for the upcoming summer months. For example, one of the great all-time dates:
Music soothes the savage breast, and during spring and summer, a lot of breast soothing beats can be had for free or on the cheap. Events that close with fireworks can be especially energizing to some female libidos. (Who knew ?The 1812 Overture? and the rocket?s red glare could be the precursor to so many sleepover invitations?)
Check your local listings for outdoor concerts in the park and nearby music festivals. Bring something to sit on, perhaps a light repast, and get into the rhythm. Holding hands and reasonable public displays of affection are likely to ensue.
Head on over to the above link for some more ideas. And then call up the gal, pack yourself a bag, and head on out to the outdoors.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.