Bueller Body: Look Good In Three Simple Steps (Part 2)

Check out Part One here.?

2. Eat Healthy Around the Edges & Skip Meals

By ?edges? I mean morning and night, and by ?healthy? I mean my ?top? category of food from #1. ?Skipping meals? pretty much explains itself.

I?ve found that when the first thing I eat is a protein, I?m less hungry, and less prone to craving ?crap? for the rest of the day. Adversely, when I start with a doughnut, sugary coffee, or something along those lines, I can?t concentrate because I constantly feel like I?m starving and need to eat something. After I eat some yogurt, eggs, bacon, ham, or sausage, I?ll be more than open to enjoying some roasted breakfast potatoes or fresh bread with butter with my meal – but I start with protein first.

And then get the girl

(Note: You can always eat greens)

I save my ?moderate? foods for lunch, and will enjoy a sandwich with a bakery roll or bread, have a burger and fries (usually won?t finish the fries, sometimes just get a double burger), or will even satisfy my pizza craving if I ever have one (rarely nowadays) during lunch.

Dinners, on the other hand, I?ll usually reserve for protein – typically beef or fish (I think there?s something about men and red meat) – and a vegetable. When I have a busy next day I?ll still do pasta to carbo load and anytime is a good time to mix in vegetable juices to maximize my veg intake.

Finally, I?ve found that skipping a meal or two per week will shrink a stomach to it?s natural size (that can only eat so much) and allow you not to be dependant on constantly snacking to prevent your blood-sugar from dropping. I recommend breakfast and lunch for this, as I never like to go to bed on an empty stomach.

The thing to keep in mind is that what many of us have gotten used to classifying as ?hunger? isn?t anything to worry about, but rather an anxiety-driven response to hunger?s warning shots. Overcoming these ?pangs?, which can be accomplished by increasing your heart rate to a walking pace, will bring you a greater calm in general and make you less dependant on those glucose fixes to function.

3. Workout Efficiently

No one likes working out, so I minimize it.

The 20% that gets the 80% are the exercises that hit multiple muscle groups. For example, a dumbbell curl works your bicep (and forearm), while a pull-up works both of those muscles, more strenuously, as well as every muscle in your upper back and abs. Once a week, I do as intense of a set as I can possibly muster of pullups, explosive pushups, and jump-squats – all body weight. I also like to spread these days out.

Oh, I also enjoy a morning constitutional (both) to get the blood flowing before eating my protein.

And that?s it. That?s really it.

Can it really be this easy to have a body that 99% of women love, and even more importantly, that you feel comfortable in? I don?t know =) It works for me, it?s too easy not to try for you, so let me know.

Do you want to eat any kind of food that you want (real food) and barely exercise? It?s the minimum that people one hundred years ago had to do – and it?s all we need to do to be healthy today.

It?s like I always say: Life moves pretty fast. If you spend all of your time white-knuckling diets and working out, you could miss it. 😉

Click Here to?Watch Nick’s Becoming Fearless Video. Learn the six signs of fear that cause her female intuition to shut you out, and what to do instead.

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About Nick Sparks Nick Sparks is a professional social and dating coach located in the New York area. His specialties include building genuine and lasting confidence, removing barriers of fear and self doubt in the face of women and social situations, and helping men gain self acceptance and power through unleashing of their sexuality. He's taught hundreds of clients to become genuinely confident, fearless and charming since 2008, and is known for his direct, highly sexual style of game Check out Sparks of Attraction.

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