Must-Read: Secrets To Looking Young
Aging! It’s going to happen to you one of these days. That is an inevitability. One of these days you’re going to look into the shower drain and see all sorts of hair, or look closely in the mirror and see nothing but a face-full of wrinkles, or notice that your knees don’t exactly hold up to the long morning jog as well as they used it. It’s going to happen, so there’s two ways to look at it: (1) Just be calm and let it happen and age gracefully; or (2) Try as hard as you goddamn can to keep from aging.
The Fountain of Youth
As far as we’re concerned, we go with (2) every time. Which is why today we’re highlighting this article over at Men’s Health about the ways to make yourself look younger. Among the tips is this product to buy that, by using it a whole lot, will keep you looking so fresh and/or so clean as you start advancing in age. Observe:
Age Spot Treatment
Dark bags aren?t only a sign of lack of sleep. Sun exposure and aging are other likely culprits. Garnier Clinical Dark Spot Corrector ($17, tackles the discoloration by boosting vitamin C in the area. Apply the lotion directly?it?s gentle enough to leave your eyes unharmed but tough enough to even out your skin tone and minimize the bags. Plus, your newly brightened skin makes it easy to fake a wide-awake look when you?re sleeping through that meeting.
Head over to the link for a few other items in the drug store that you should be on the lookout for … before you’re not even able to look out for ANYTHING anymore!
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.