Never Get Rejected with 4 Magic Words

Rejection sucks.

It?s enough to keep guys from talking to girls in the first place, and when you consider the reward they?re giving up – that must be some risk!

Don't worry about rejection again

When you try to talk to a girl and she responds with a look that makes your testicles retract back into your body, it can be tough for any guy to bounce back from. Why is it though, that some guys can seemingly laugh this reaction off fearlessly as if they?re rejecting the woman – while some guys wish they could hide in a hole to avoid this feeling for the rest of your life? Why is it that guys walk into one of my programs on Thursday, unable to do a single ?cold approach their entire life, but leave on Sunday unable to let any ?opportunity? pass them by?

The first thing that the fearless guys have on their side is positive experience. They?re almost always doing the three things I just talked about last week, so they get more positive responses than they get the negative ones. It?s a lot easier to brush the one awkward girl off when you?ve just been welcomed with open arms by every other hottie you talked to that night.

Another thing the fearless man does is factor the environment. The girls at the bar standing shoulder to shoulder looking around? Blood can only be in the water for so long before some shark pounces. The group of girls and guys invested in heavy conversation, the ?sausage-fest?, the girl in a hurry, looking? upset, powering down the street… let me put it this way: Does Kobe Bryant get down on himself when he doesn?t hit ever half-court shot? Not like that should stop you from taking those shots – just keep proper perspective on things.

Finally, the thing that a fearless man has that turns his anxiety into excitement (at least his perception of the feeling) – and that can be summed up in those four magic words – is his value. All this nonsense about a hot girl having more value that you that is a product of our collective male insecurity fades into nothing when you take a moment to consider the female perspective.

Is it easier for a woman to get laid? I?m not going to argue with anyone why says this is the case.

A better question, though, is to ask how difficult it is for a woman to find a QUALITY man?

I?m talking about a guy who first does the stuff that we talk about and makes her feel unlike anyone else she?s talked to in awhile, and secondly, who has his shit together in his social and professional life – a man respected by his peers and colleagues.

Have you ever heard the way women talk about those kind of guys? ?Oh my God, you have to marry him! Are you cooking for him enough and sleeping with him enough???? How many billions of dollars is that industry worth? Ask ?Cosmo? and they?ll give you 101 ways to satisfy a man like that.

As my past clients will tell you, and as email after email are coming in from guys who got Fearless will confirms as well:

Beautiful women aren?t as rare as awesome men. As difficult as that can be to remember when she?s making your heart jump out of your chest and emotions and insecurities are clouding your thinking – you have the power. She?s the one that has to tell her mother why she still hasn?t found a guy. She?s the one who has to count another one of her finite chances of bearing children drift away unfertilized. She?s the one who knows that while you gain another year of experience, there?s always a younger female model around the corner who would appreciate it.

As much as I?m against the idea of it, I know the feeling of rejection. Even though I?ve coached enough women to be able to sympathize, my heart still drops into my stomach whenever a get a ?ball-shriveling? stare from a woman I tried to talk to. That?s why I came up with four words that immediately reverse the effects of any rejection, and set the correct frame on what just transpired.

Disclaimer: This statement is mean, partially stemming from my own insecurities. I?ll admit to myself after using the four words, and wish her the best to make up for it. Also, I recommend never actually saying it to the woman who ?rejected? you – or to any woman for that matter. It cuts right to the core of female insecurity, and there?s a good chance you?ll get slapped (just trust me on that one 😉

So when she hits you with that ball-shriveling stare and you feel that pain starting to creep up, simply remember that she?ll be the over-forty cougar at speed-dating and say to yourself, ?that?s why you?re single?. Now go find a girl that deserves your company.

Click Here to?Watch Nick’s Becoming Fearless Video. Learn the six signs of fear that cause her female intuition to shut you out, and what to do instead.

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About Nick Sparks Nick Sparks is a professional social and dating coach located in the New York area. His specialties include building genuine and lasting confidence, removing barriers of fear and self doubt in the face of women and social situations, and helping men gain self acceptance and power through unleashing of their sexuality. He's taught hundreds of clients to become genuinely confident, fearless and charming since 2008, and is known for his direct, highly sexual style of game Check out Sparks of Attraction.

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