Must-Read: How to be an Alpha Male
In virtually every interview or questionnaire ?that women fill out about what they look for in a man, the answer that is always given is “I’m just looking for someone to make me laugh.” This, obviously, is bullshit.
Fake it, make it
If this were the case, then you’d see the hottest girls heading out to the clubs with schlubby chunky dudes with non-hip glasses and sweatpants. But instead, you see them getting all done up for the businessman with the Type A personality. The dude with a nice suit, chiseled looks, and a no-nonsense personality that shows he knows what he wants. In other words: Alpha Males.
So the question then becomes: How do you become an Alpha Male. The thing is, personality-wise, it’s tough. You have to not be willing to take no for an answer, always know what you want, go about achieving those goals, and, in a lot of cases, kind of being a bit of a dick. Thing is, even if you have none of these traits, you can kind of “fake it” by simply looking like an Alpha Male. Which is why today we’re highlighting this great article from the fine folks over at Men’s Health about just what women are looking for when it comes to Alpha Male. For example:
2. Your Five O?Clock Shadow
Kiss clean-shaven goodbye. In a study at Northumbria University, women rated pictures of men with light stubble as the most attractive, and said a man sporting it was the ideal romantic partner. Though women scored full beards highest in masculinity and aggression, fuzzy faces bottomed out as the least attractive.?Learn how to grow the perfect stubble here.
There are another 12 steps (13, in all) that will help you achieve that Alpha Male look that will have the ladies swooning. Good luck with your disguise, guys!
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.