Must-Read: Watching Your Salt Intake
Watch out!
Let’s talk about salt for a minute here. Salt is, to borrow a phrase probably from one of those terrible PSAs from the 70s and 80s, the silent killer. It sneaks up on you in nearly every meal of the day, a dash here, a pinch there, sprinkled on top of meats, embedded in the various cheeses you eat, and really even on certain salads you may be ordering. While some salt is definitely important in your diet, as anything in life, the key is to ingest it in moderation. Too much sodium and your kidneys will no longer be able to regulate it, and then you’re left with heart attacks, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, and all sorts of other ailments as you get older and the mountain of salt ingestion keeps on growing higher and higher.
Therefore, to help everyone regulate their salt incomes a bit more, today we’re going to pass along this great article over at Men’s Fitness about the five ways you can decrease your salt intake. For example, here’s one for when you’re dabbling in the dreaded realm of take-out food:
Always ask for the sauce on the side: For example, 1 tablespoon of Teriyaki sauce contains 1/3 of the daily recommended amount (1 tsp of salt). One portion of Chinese takeout often has over five times this amount.
The article has another 4 ways, all of which are small tips like this that don’t seem like a lot on their own, but combined will help your body maintain a high picture and level of health as you start to grow older and get to the point where not paying attention to something like this might actually kill you.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.