Top Five Movies of Charlize Theron
I have a friend whose looks remind me of Charlize Theron and that makes me look at Charlize favorably. Well, that, and the fact that she is gorgeous and a damn fine actress to boot. I first remember seeing her writhing around in the little crime film ?2 Days in the Valley? and I can still remember my first thought.
The gorgeous Charlize
Yes, Charlize is that hot. Tall, blonde and with legs that go on forever, you can definitely see how she began her career as a model. I look at the main photo on her IMDB page and add beautiful to her list of adjectives. I look at her filmography on Mr. Skin and sexy immediately makes the list as well. Then I look at her performances in her top five movies and I think, wonderful actress. Now that she?s in ?Young Adult? from Jason Reitman (?Up in the Air,? ?Juno,? ?Thank You For Smoking?) and Diablo Cody (?Juno?) with co-star Patton Oswalt, I think that Charlize will be able to add funny to her already long list of adjectives.
I don?t think the list of hot, funny models and Academy Award winning actresses intersect too much, but when they do, one of those women is Charlize and here are some great movies to watch her do her thing.
A breezy caper movie, not only does Charlize have to compete with her co-stars Mark Wahlberg, Jason Statham and Mos Def for the prettiest thing on screen, but also a fleet of Mini Coopers. Yes, I just compared Charlize to a car. However, if you get a chance to run one of those up to 100 on the interstate and feel that power underneath you in such a nice looking package, you?ll understand.
Al Pacino overacting and Keanu Reeves underacting make this campy bit of guilty pleasure viewing a must add to this list. I can?t say it?s a good movie, but darn it, if I didn?t have fun watching it.
What a great superhero story. I like how they explained the powers of the heroes. I loved Will Smith playing the anti-hero. It?s not perfect, but a very original look in a genre that tends toward the unoriginal, mostly as the main superheroes get rebooted again and again and again.
I remember watching this movie during the holiday season when I lived in Aspen and how moving it felt. I know it isn?t a Christmas film, but it feels that way to me. Maybe that helps to explain why I always feel the holidays can be a bit depressing.
I am still torn about listing this movie at the top of the list. Why? Well, on the pro side, her performance in this movie was just awesome and she definitely deserved her Academy Award. On the con side, OHMYGOSH, how ugly is she? That?s damn ugly. Well, at least you can fix the ugly part in your mind by watching her next movie. If she wouldn?t have done a good job acting, we probably wouldn?t have seen much of Charlize again and that?s why this one is an easy number one.
Agree? Disagree? Which movies would make your Charlize Theron top five?
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About Jason McClain Jason is an aspiring novelist, which means there is a lot of time to put off writing and watch baseball or go fly-fishing, hiking and traveling. By "a lot of time", Jason means "procrastination."