How to Make the Most of Your Gym Workout
Some dudes prefer waking up to greet the sun and jogging 15.5 miles every morning regardless of the weather outside. Some are involved in team sports. Other guys get their daily dose of exercise by going to a gym regularly. This can include working out by yourself on the equipment, following the instructions of a personal trainer or participating in a class.
Make the most of your workout
Exercising by yourself at a gym can be a difficult way to receive a thorough workout. Many times when people are not supervised, we allow ourselves to simply glide through our workouts and not push our bodies to their physical limit. If you find that you?re not sweaty when you leave the gym or hurting from tired muscles the next day, you may not be getting the results you want. Do yourself a favor and make the most of your gym workouts (as well as your gym membership).
Usually when guys hit the gym, they don?t have a workout plan in mind. They might run on the treadmill for a mile or so and then go lift weights. Developing a blueprint for your workout is the best way to plan your time accordingly. Instead of standing around trying to decide what to do, just simply follow your workout list. Hit the cardio machine for half an hour, work your upper body and then concentrate on your lower half.
If you prefer working out in the evening, have your gym bag already packed and loaded into your trunk before you go to the office. This way, you don?t have to stop home and head straight to the gym (unless you have to let the dog out). Often when we get home from a long day of work, all we want to do is sit on the sofa and watch bad reruns of Family Guy. Hitting the gym immediately after work will keep you going and you?ll also be able to burn away some of the stress your boss laid on you this morning.
Another thing to remember is to keep time of your workout. If you only have an hour each day to work out, you want to make the most of those 60 minutes. Usually you should concentrate on spending 20-30 minutes on cardio. The rest of the time can be spent working on your muscles and toning.? Do 15 minutes on your upper half and 15 on your lower portion. Timing your workouts will allow you to keep track of how much time you invest in each portion of your work out and allows you to not waste any time on stuff that is unnecessary.
If you find that you?re not sweating during your workout, then you?re probably not pushing yourself hard enough. When doing cardio, try transferring between short bursts of speed where you are full out running and a longer, steadier pace. Also try lifting more weight that you normally do. Add five pounds to each machine and see if that helps increase the intensity of your workout.
Why bother spending money each month on a gym membership if you?re not using it to the best of your ability? If you want to see results, you have to step it up a notch and make the most of your time spent at the gym.
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About Stephanie Weaver Stephanie is a full time freelance writer from Philly. In her spare time, she enjoys playing roller derby and spending time with her English bulldog, Brit.