Conversation Tactics To Use In Strip Clubs
In my previous articles on Strip Club Seduction, I explained the stripper mindset and how to frame yourself as a ?non customer.? This is essential if you?re going to seduce a hot stripper and get her to meet you outside of the club?so that you can bring her back to your place and have her show you her best moves, free of charge…
I also explained how to handle it when a stripper approaches and offers you a lap dance. By using the right ?deflection technique,? you can skip the lap dance (without looking like a cheapskate), demonstrate playful confidence at the same time, and get her to sit down so that you can build a connection with her.
In strip clubs, there?s no sense wasting your time on small talk. Since you?re not spending any money, you?ll normally only have 5-10 minutes to flirt with her before she feels the need to get back to hustling customers for dances. So get right into the flirting!
Before we continue, I put together a short,?free video that explains some of my most lethally effective strip club seduction tactics. This is an easy-to-learn, step-by-step system that you can start using TONIGHT. Click?here?to learn my VERY BEST strip club routines.
Here are some flirting tactics that you can use on strippers, to frame yourself as a confident, playful guy and crank up their attraction:
These are statements that sound like compliments initially, but then you slip in a ?jab.? (These should sound like playful teases, not insults.) This technique is also known as Push/Pull.
“You?re the funnest girl I?ve met?in the last five minutes.?
?You?re cute, but I detect a bitchy high-maintenance vibe from you. I bet all your ex-boyfriends say you?re a handful.?
When she protests and playfully slaps you on the arm, you say ?only kidding. Actually, not really…but it?s okay, you seem fun. Are you fun??
Bring her home
This technique always catches women by surprise?and makes them feel curious to know more about you, because you?re doing the exact opposite of what most guys do! Most guys, during this first conversation, are trying to say all the ?right things? and demonstrate to her why they deserve to be with her.
With this technique, you suggest that you aren?t really interested in being with her. And yet you continue to talk to her, build the bond, and flirt with her. You?re sending her mixed signals. This is the basis of creating sexual tension?which basically means you?re dangling a prize in front of her (you), but she?s going to have to work to get it!
You say things like:
?You I could never be boyfriend and girlfriend. We?re way too much alike. We?d clash all the time, and then have crazy, wild make-up sex and wake up all the neighbors…and then we?d break up again the next day and you?d throw my clothes out in the front yard?it would be hot, but a whole lot of drama.”
?It?s too bad I swore off dating girls like you…? (change the subject and don?t explain)
?I love women who are tall/short/blonde/Asian/etc. (something she is not)
?I?m all wrong for you. You?re probably used to dating boring, nice guys who kiss your butt and bring you flowers on the first date.?
“You?re such a nice girl?maybe you shouldn’t be hanging out with a guy like me. I could get you in all kinds of trouble.”
?You?re really sweet?but seriously, you should probably be talking to a nice boy like the one over there (point to some dorky-looking customer). I?m more like the guy your mom warned you about.?
This tactic is also very powerful because it reverses the normal roles?usually it?s women who put guys in the Friend Zone, right? But you can do it to her?
“You?re like the little sister I never had.? (Or, ?You remind me so much of one of my little sister?s friends.?)
?It?s good we met, I don?t know if we?re right for each other but we can be friends for sure.?
?I can tell you would make a great friend. You?re so nice.?
This is another fun way to ?turn the tables? and show confidence. Play around with her and get her to start feeling some attraction, and then ?blame? her for what?s happening:
?Here I am trying to have a serious conversation with you, and you keep giving me flirty looks. Cut it out, would you? It?s distracting.?
?If you keep looking at me that way, I?m going to have to turn on the charm and seduce you.?
?If you don?t stop being so cute, you?re going to force me to start hitting on you.?
?I hope your boyfriend isn?t around, because if you keep smiling at me that way I?m going to be forced to start flirting with you.?
(Notice, you?re not telling her you are hitting on her/flirting with you right now. You?re saying that it might happen soon, and it?s going to be ?her fault.?)
?I really ought to get home because I have work tomorrow, but if you keep flirting me like this you?re going to force me to have another drink with you.?
?You?re making me think such naughty thoughts. Do you have voodoo powers or something? Stop it, I?m trying to concentrate on what you?re saying.”
?You are totally trying to seduce me right now. Stop looking at me that way. I promised myself I?d be celibate for the next 30 days and you?re messing everything up.?
?I?m don?t know why, but you keep making me think about us going to the mall and picking out a bunch of sexy lingerie for you at Victoria?s Secret. Cut it out, OK? I don?t want to be thinking about that stuff right now.?
?I came out tonight to just have a couple of beers with my friends, and then you come along and force me to start flirting with you. This is all your fault, for wearing that outfit??
?Okay, Cindy, I?m going to ask you something but be careful how you answer, because this answer is worth three points?.?
If she answers the question to your satisfaction, tell her she has earned three points and if she gets up to ten, she wins a prize. (Don?t tell her what the prize is. When a stripper reaches ten points with me, I tell her the ?prize? is that I?m going to buy her a drink tonight after she gets off work.)
This can now be a theme that runs through the conversation. Deduct points for lame answers. Award points for good ones. You?re building compliance and sending a message: it?s her job to impress you, not the other way around. You?re making her want to earn your approval.
Remember, the key to seducing strippers is to reinforce in her mind at all times that you are not a customer. Instead of letting her run her ?sales routine? on you, and responding to her questions, it?s up to you to take control of the conversation. Use the playful and cocky conversational tactics I just explained, and you?ll be well on your way to a successful seduction.
Here is another article related to the subject:?
I put together a short,?free video that explains some of my most lethally effective strip club seduction tactics. This is an easy-to-learn, step-by-step system that you can start using TONIGHT. Click?here?to learn my VERY BEST strip club routines.
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Dean Cortez Dean Cortez is the creator of M.A.C.K. Tactics, one of the most powerful and respected systems for guys who want to turbo-charge their confidence and dating lives. An author and world traveler, Dean develops his techniques by testing them out on beautiful women around the world. Dean's tactics have been field-tested and proven on hundreds of the world's hottest girls. For more information, including how to get some of his best seduction tactics for free, visit