Why 93% Of Strippers Are Bisexual…And Into Having Threesomes
As a professional pickup artist who has taught thousands of guys how to elevate their game to a rock star level, I?ve figured out clever techniques to seduce virtually any type of woman out there. And yet, for all of the beautiful, intelligent and educated women I?ve hooked up with, I still have a fondness for strippers.
?Why strippers,? you ask? Well for starters, they?ve got killer bodies; they?re fun to party with; they?re sexually uninhibited; and their job is to approach and flirt with you.
(Yes, I know, the reason they initially approach you is they?re looking to sell you lap dances?but this is when you?ll use one of the ?Deflection Techniques? in my Strip Club Seduction book to skip her ?sales routine,? and start building a real sexual connection with her?)
Use it to your advantage
And there?s one other huge reason why you?ll often find strippers hanging out at my crib: they?re bisexual. Not all of them, mind you, but after years of in-depth research I?d put the number at 93%. (Those are pretty damn good odds.)
I?m not saying strippers are bisexual in the sense that they actually date other women and have lesbian relationships. What I?m saying is they enjoy getting freaky with other girls when the drinks are flowing and the vibe is right. And if you can instigate some of this freakiness and put yourself in the middle of it?which isn?t hard to do with strippers?you can experience mind-blowing Stripper Threesomes, which is the sexual Holy Grail for many men.
So let me explain the whole stripper bisexuality thing. First, if a stripper wasn?t bisexual when she first came to the club to apply for the job, she probably is by now. It?s not because strippers develop a special appreciation for the female body from working around scantily-clad stunners every night. The actual reason has to do with how they make their money. You see, strippers make the bulk of their income from giving customers private dances back in the VIP area (or ?Champagne Room,? as it?s also known).
In a lot of strip clubs, the Champagne Room?s price of admission is around $100 for three dances, or they might charge you a flat fee per hour. (In some Las Vegas clubs, guys pay $500 per hour, per girl, to blow money in the Champagne Room. What a bunch of suckers!) But in order for a stripper to persuade a customer to spend stupid amounts of money in the Champagne Room, she needs to give him a reason. What ?extra fun? can she offer him back in the Champagne Room, that he can?t get out on the main floor?
The girls can?t offer the customers sexual favors, at least not in a regular strip club (i.e., it isn?t one of those shady joints where the ?dancers? are actually hookers). Offering sex could get them busted for prostitution, and might get the club shut down. This is why the clubs have very strict rules against this.
So how can a stripper coax a customer back into the Champagne Room without offering some type of sexual gratification? She does it by getting one of her stripper co-workers involved. She pulls over her friend Bambi (or Mercedes, or Destiny, or whatever she calls herself), and the two of them act all flirty with each other and tell the customer they want to give him a ?private show.? They imply that this show is going to be ?naughty,? so they?ll need to do it away from the main floor.
The customer, thinking he?s in for a big treat, allows himself to be led into the Champagne Room, where the two girls proceed to give the guy a private show. While he sits there sprouting a boner (which will result in nothing but a throbbing case of blue balls later), the strippers play with each other. They don?t do anything X-rated?they kiss each other?s tits, spank each other?s asses, stuff like that. They pretend to give the customer a kinky lesbian show. It?s all rather pointless and silly, but because it involves two hot bisexual girls, the customer thinks he is part of some incredible erotic fantasy. But the girls are just going through the same routine they do for a dozen guys a night.
The effect, however, is that over time, doing this night after night to pay their bills and support their druggie musician boyfriends, strippers become extremely comfortable with the idea of fooling around with other women. And this means that in their private lives, they?re highly likely to engage in threesomes.
When you use the tactics in my Strip Club Seduction book, you can skip the Champagne Room (and spending money altogether) and arrange to meet up with a couple of strippers after they finish their shift. Then, use the easy-to-learn technique in the ?Closing The Deal? chapter to get them back to your place. After reading my book, you?ll then know a simple, proven routine to get them in a sexual, spontaneous mood so that the party winds up in your bed.
Then, the fun will really commence?and this is when you?ll know you have officially stepped up your game, from ?Chump Customer? to ?Strip Club Champ.?
I put together a short,?free video that explains some of my most lethally effective strip club seduction tactics. This is an easy-to-learn, step-by-step system that you can start using TONIGHT. Click?here?to learn my BEST strip club routines.
About Dean Cortez Dean Cortez is the creator of M.A.C.K. Tactics, one of the most powerful and respected systems for guys who want to turbo-charge their confidence and dating lives. An author and world traveler, Dean develops his techniques by testing them out on beautiful women around the world. Dean's tactics have been field-tested and proven on hundreds of the world's hottest girls. For more information, including how to get some of his best seduction tactics for free, visit www.MackTactics.net.