Get Some Extra Cash in your Check
We all want a few extra dollars in our check; an extra digit is always nice. Here are a few possibilities you could explore without seeking part-time employment or being sucked into some envelope stuffing scheme. Not all of these will work for everyone but some will make perfect sense for you to rake in a few extra bucks.
Cash money!
OT is a great way to load up the paycheck. If your company will pay you, that is. Some companies don?t mind you working OT but they won?t pay you. Instead they will give you addition time off at a later date. This crock of ? is called compensation (comp) time. If they do pay, then you need to make sure you take note and volunteer whenever possible. OT is paid at time and a half for the hourly worker (if you?re on salary skip the OT). Meaning on a $20.00 an hour wage, you will now pull in $30.00 an hour for each over time hour.
This is another great way to pull in more cake and make a coworkers love your ass for bailing them out. If it?s your day off and someone else is in a bind, this is a super way to put eight hours of pay into your check. Also, the person?s shift you are covering will be your best friend, if only for that moment, but what do you care, right? You?re in it for the cash. Unless she?s a hottie and then there could be other motivations as well.
Some peeps don?t get that if you work shift you get a premium on top of your hourly salary. This premium can be as high as 10% for swings and 15% for mid-shift or graves. Dude, on a $20.00 hour pay that means $22.00 or $23.00; this adds up quickly over a forty hour work week. On the flipside this is a partier?s downer as swings normally from 3ish P.M. to midnight and mid-shift from midnight to 8ish in the A.M.
This takes a little skill and ingenuity. For those looking forward to beginning the next year off with a fat-ass income tax return check to fund your summer partying, then this option may not be for you. On the other hand, you can raise your exemptions as high as 10, which on a $30k per year salary is ~$6.00 per exemption or $60.00 per week. That adds up over a month or so of extra play money. Be careful because if you owe at the end of the year you could be facing fines.
Short of washing the boss? car, taking his dog for a walk or waxing his daughter?s poodle legs these are some great opportunities to put some extra cash in your paycheck. As with anything, employ some common sense and steer clear of being labeled an ass-kiss for volunteering for every paid assignment that comes around.
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About Spyder Collins As the writing leg of the three-headed beast from Razor Thin Studios, Spyder has been making the rounds about the internet. With a passion for creative writing, which he explores in his blogs, he brings a unique flavor. A blogger by trade with appearances in some pretty sweet spots but Spyder may have found his true home with TSB.