The Key to Non-Verbal
I was walking into a store and noticed that an older woman was talking to a younger woman.
Don't speak
I?m not sure what they where talking about, but it seemed like she wanted the older woman to stay while she was in the store. I smiled at the older woman first, then lingered a bit on the younger one. What comes next may shock some of you, or you?ll say that it cannot happen. All I have to say is Bull.
So I passed by her close. Not too close. But when I looked back she was outside talking to the woman and looking at me. I smiled again and looked away to do my shopping. But then I noticed that she was behind me doing shopping as well. She looked back and smiled shyly. I returned the smile, went on with my shopping, and went to meet a friend.
Now guess who was listening very, very attentively to me talking to my friend? You guessed it: The woman. From there I went to ring out at the checkout. She and her older female friend followed me out.
I was able to spark and keep a very good looking woman?s attention with very little effort. So how did I do that?
1. Keep eye contact with for one, maybe two, seconds. Keep it longer than that and she might think you?re staring in a creepy way.
2. Smile. Now, I?m not going to put a link in here about that. It?s not that kind of post. But Bobby Rio?s course Social Training Lab has a tech on slow smiling that works great on women.
Should warn you that a woman can use it too. In short: you start off smiling a little, nothing big then keep smiling a little bigger not too much just enough to make her go hmm.
You want to know what I was wearing at the time? A tea shirt and baggy black jogging pants. The goal was simply to be comfortable no matter. Now true, I?m still nervous around women who I like, but this wasn?t a big deal. The only test for the day was to get a woman or women interested in my non-verbal communication. That?s it. So don?t take it too seriously, and she won?t either.
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About steve ward I’m Steve ward, I have at times run several business that I have personal started, I’ve also currently on my quest to have what is called a Hollywood body beyond that im currently looking at women with a vengeance and you get to tag along check out my blog at: