Alcohol Can Be Healthy for You
Many of us know all too well about the love-hate relationship we can have with alcohol.
Gulping down a few beers before talking to a pretty girl can act as a social lubricant and give us the confidence we need before starting the conversation. It can also leave us passed-out in a McDonald?s parking-lot at 5 a.m. with pigeons pecking at our faces.
Sinatra knew
The typical American dude will consume about 23 gallons of beer, 10 pints of liquor and 15 pints of wine every year. A lot of people think that this can take a toll on a man?s life and that the best way to stay healthy is to avoid drinking entirely. But many of us simply can?t imagine giving up our beloved beer or spirits. Fortunately, you can still drink alcohol and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It?s simply about knowing what to drink and how much of it is appropriate to consume.
Want strong bones? In a recent study, scientists found that some types of beer, including IPA?s and beers containing malt, contain large amounts of silicon, a nutrient that greatly benefits our bones. The results of the study suggest the moderate beer drinking might reduce the risk of arthritis, osteoporosis, and other diseases.
Another study, conducted by a Boston scientist, unveiled that beer can also be good for the brain. The tests revealed that light drinkers to moderate drinkers had fewer strokes than those who didn?t drink at all.
It?s just not beer that can improve our health. Studies have found that moderate consumption of red wines, such as pinot noir and cabernet sauvignon, can have many health benefits as well. A Finish study published by Journals of Gerontology found that wine drinkers have a 34% lower mortality rate than beer or spirit drinkers.
Being a wine connoisseur can also be good for your heart. A 16-year Harvard School of Public Health study showed that moderate drinkers who have high blood pressure are 30% less likely to suffer from a heart attack than their non-drinking counterparts.
The important thing is to learn to drink in moderation. Health experts suggest that you have no more than seven drinks a week. If you do attend you buddy?s bachelor party or find yourself at a rowdy office convention consuming way more alcohol than you usually do, make sure not to drink for at least 24 hours. This allows your liver to rest and heal from the previous night?s debauchery.
It is also extremely vital to know your limit. Besides being not classy, blacking out also poses health risks to your brain and other organs. You can suffer from long term memory loss and impaired judgment. Yeah, you may take that ugly broad from the bar back home with you, but you can also crash your car, pass out in a dangerous place, and even potentially die from blacking out.
Frank Sinatra once said, ?I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day.? Drinking is a huge part of a man?s social life. And it can also be good for your health. Just remember to drink the right kinds of alcohol and to consume no more than one to two drinks a day.
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About Stephanie Weaver Stephanie is a full time freelance writer from Philly. In her spare time, she enjoys playing roller derby and spending time with her English bulldog, Brit.