Do You Have A Boring Online Dating Profile?
For the past couple of years I’ve been offering a service on my website were I personally review guys’ online dating profiles and give them advice on how to fix them so that they can get dates. Doing this is fun for me because I really enjoy helping guys succeed with online dating, and I know from personal experience how amazing it feels to go from being dateless to going on three or more dates per week…
Make it exciting!
That being said, after years of doing this and reviewing hundreds and hundreds of profiles it’s painfully obvious that most guys are making the same exact mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes that I see guys making everyday is having a dating profile that is really boring. This is like the kiss of death online because if you can’t stand out from the mass of boring drones and communicate the right way in your profile, you’re not going to be getting any dates…
So how do you spice things up and write a profile that commands a response? Well here are 3 tips to get you started:
Of course the very first thing that any woman will look at when you hit her up on a dating site is your photograph, and if it stinks that’s gonna be all she looks at. Unfortunately most guys post really boring pictures of themselves that convey very little about their personalities and accomplish very little in terms of sparking attraction.
Sure if you are naturally handsome dude you can just post a pic of yourself smiling and get a fair response. But in most cases it really helps to get a photo or two that show you living an interesting life, and give her something to comment on. Sitting at the table drinking a glass of orange juice doesn’t cut it…
One thing a lot of guys have trouble with is describing themselves in an interesting way. They ask me how they can make themselves seem dynamic when they have boring jobs that they do fifty hours a week and their hobbies are playing Xbox and trying to pick up chicks. Of course if you are a pro snowboarder and you DJ at fancy clubs as a side gig that’s gonna sound pretty cool plainly stated. But for those of us who lead humble lives the secret is learning how to spin things.
Now I’m not talking about lying here, or even exaggerating. Instead the trick is using your words to make even the most mundane things seem fascinating. For instance if you work at the Gap, instead of saying “I fold shirts a the Gap full time” you could talk about how you love working in the heart of the city and talk about the fun that you have on your lunch breaks going down by the river and soaking up the midday sun…
One of the most powerful and dynamic parts of any good online dating profile is the sentence at the end where you tell the girl to get in touch with you. In sales this is something that we refer to as a “call to action”. Basically after you’ve given her your spiel about who you are and what you are looking for, give her instructions on exactly what you want her to do next. Unfortunately most guys have incredibly weak calls to action or they just leave them out all together.
You’d be amazed how much your response rate can improve merely by tacking a line on the end that says: “If you’ve read this far then you probably should just go ahead and send me an email… who knows, we could be sippin’ sangria by the ocean together by next THURSDAY!”
It’s incredible how many more women you can engage just by making simple changes like these. To learn more smooth online dating tactics that will revolutionize your dating life, watch this free video presentation by clicking here.
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About Jake Vandenhoff Jake Vandenhoff is a dating coach and author specializing in self-development and online dating. He offers an array of programs to help guys succeed with women naturally, without relying on outdated PUA tactics. His Online Dating Playbook offers step-by-step instructions for meeting girls online, and connecting with them authentically. Visit to claim a free copy of Jake's Online Dating Secrets eCourse.