My Favorite Students
Some of my students go home after a boot camp and go back to their old ways. But most go home with a new sense of confidence, competence, and focus. Out of these guys who take a successful path of consistency, I?d say about half apply their new knowledge to every relationship in their lives, not just women they meet romantically.
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Here is a brief description of a few of the most outstanding students I?ve had. Remember, to be good with women, you must be good with people, which means you must practice with everyone!
This is a military guy. I love guys who are in the military who come to me as students because I know they will be successful. Why? Because they know how to follow directions, and are usually pretty aggressive, which pays off when it comes to approaching. Since approaching is the hardest part of the game, guys who know how to attack a problem have an advantage.
My boy A changed his life during his weekend with me. He realized how he had been seeking approval his whole life. He had a breakdown, and a build-up, and to this day is one of my very best friends. I watched him approach an ugly girl and get super nervous, to approaching the hottest girls in the bar with no hesitation. He?s already got a harem back home, and makes a conscious effort to build up everyone around him. Consequently, all the women on the base, other men?s wives included, actively pursue him.
This guy is awesome because of how low he was when he came to me, and how, from his own inner intelligence and strength, emerged to be a fucking awesome guy. It?s an honor to know him.
This poor guy broke down on the first night we went out to meet women. We were at the bar, and he just walked off. I followed him out. I found him chain-smoking in an alley, crying. I could have been very nice and consoled him with my arms around him. But I knew that would have made him feel even weaker, which was his problem. Instead I smoked a cigarette with him (I don?t smoke, so this was tough for me!)
We talked for a bit, and he confided that he was a virgin at 24. I told him ?That?s not so bad!? And I told him how my first sexual experience was very embarrassing (I couldn?t keep it up!) He laughed about that and we talked some more. The next night I made a special attempt to focus on him and get him going. We hit a club and lo-and-behold this guy could dance AND talk at the same time. He was so smooth, walking up to women, grooving, dancing, and getting phone numbers, all the while in motion. That was his style.
He?s a Latin guy, and he?s currently dating a beautiful black woman. She?s the kind of girl I would get nervous about approaching. He?s doing his thing, and it?s great to see him make such a change – from sad and ashamed, to a cool guy with a hot girlfriend.
This guy came from a small town in Montana. He was in grad school and had to really sacrifice to get to the bootcamp. I could see his commitment from the very start. This guy looked like he was straight out of Middle America: blond, big shoulders, and a really simple look on his face – not dumb, just innocent and ?no bulllshit.? I liked him instantly and did my best to help him maximize his potential.
The first night we went out, he should up but just kind of stood there. Finally I got him to approach some women, but he couldn?t get past ?Hi.? The second night, he did much better. He walked up to a beautiful Asian girl (we were in San Francisco, the capital of hot Asian women), and within a couple minutes, was dancing with her, up-close-and-personal. The next day, I asked him what changed. This is what he told me.
I gave up. I trusted you. I used the conversation tools I learned, and let go of trying to impress girls. Maybe it?s because I?m leaving tomorrow, so I don?t care. But that?s a lesson too – when I stop caring, I?m able to be my full self. And women respond. I think I got 3 numbers last night.?
I talked to this guy on the phone the other day to confirm what I remembered he said, and we ended up having a deep conversation. I learned a couple things from him! Just goes to show, once you reach that level of self-awareness, you can only improve. In that way, we improve the world vicariously, which makes me feel good about what I do.
Find out what type of girl she is. Use these 3 questions to read her mind, and the give her exactly what she wants.?Click here to learn the secret to reading her mind.
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About Vin DiCarlo Always a rebel with a unique point of view, Vin DiCarlo invented many of the most effective techniques out there, today. His students are some of the most successful and respected in the world. For more information, including how you can get more information - for free - Click Here to watch the Mind Reading Video.