The Top Ten Modern Movies All Men Have to See Before They Die
There’s a reason why some parents put their children in front of the television instead of hiring a babysitter or sending their brats to school- because films are educational. You may not be a nappy-swathed toddler glued to watching Aladdin anymore, but you can still learn important things about the world by watching movies. Especially if they involve Scarlett Johansson.
Last week Joe gave us his “Top 10 Classic Movies to see before you die”, so this week I’m giving you the top 10 modern movies. Feel free to leave comments with some of your suggestions.
There’s got to be a reason why Pulp Fiction has won so many awards- possibly because it is really damn good. It doesn’t make much sense the first time you watch it, so maybe you should try watching this crucial piece of culture over and over again.
While the plotline is not the most enthralling thing in the world, the point is, this exotic romance has one male lead who gets it on with Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johanssen, and Rebecca Hall.
You may wonder what a romantic movie is doing on this list, but it’s actually very important to watch Titanic. Not only is it a cinematic masterpiece, but its male lead Jack (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) encompasses everything a woman can hope for. Study him, and emulate him.
Borat might not teach you how to behave in public or be tolerant of other cultures, but it is possibly one of the funniest movies ever released. Watch it for a politically incorrect giggle and remember not to quote it around the easily offended.
Unable to be embedded, so check out the trailer at this link.
It’s funny, quirky and stars the gorgeous Katherine Heigl. But above all, Knocked Up has a very important moral: use protection, or suffer the consequences.
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About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: