Must-Read: Give The Perfect Massage
Remember that moment in Pulp Fiction where Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta get to talking about giving the big boss man’s wife a foot massage, and how if it was right for the man to take extreme measures after finding out? Is it a highly erotic act? Or is it just an ordinary little event that is overblown? Here at TSB, we tend to take the latter view. It is — or at least, should be — a highly erotic act that leads into other highly erotic acts. Same way for the ordinary massage. Which is why today we’re highlighting this tremendously important article over at Men’s Fitness on how to give the perfect massage. Nothing is a better warm-up to sex. Here’s one of the tips:
Make her comfy
Have her lie on your bed, facedown. Soften your hands with massage oil, then start rubbing her feet, not her back. “We have thousands of nerve endings in our soles that stimulate the entire nervous system,” Urosa says. “Massage each foot, then slowly move up to her calves, then legs, and so on.” Keep the progression slow.
Just the tip of the iceberg here, folks. Hit the link above and check out the rest.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.