5 Ways to Master Online Dating
Oh yeah, I am gonna go there. Online dating.
The term still has cringe-worthy association to most people, yet this is becoming one of the most popular guilty pleasures in the world right now as the internet continues to rapidly grow. While the sites like Plenty of Fish used to only be populated with cave trolls, the online dating world is starting to attract a ton of mainstream attractive girls. It has become like a Facebook where the girls actually want to get poked. (Sexual puns are funny!)
Now, this might seem unnecessary,? but there is a literal art to making a profile page and communicating with women on these sites. If you are new to this realm of dating listen up, because if you apply these five tips you will be up to your neck in World of Warcraft girls!
Don't be a creeper
Having good pictures is a must. However, not all of us have a six-pack and look like John Stamos. This is why you absolutely have to get pictures that show what type of person you are.
A simple mug shot and a picture of you holding your phone in the mirror tells people ZERO while expressing the lifestyle of? a human vegetable. Try to find pictures that reflect what you enjoy doing. Examples of this would be pictures of you traveling, playing an instrument or doing something cool like water skiing. While a girl may not be instantly attracted to your look, she will definitely be more open to web flirting with you if you seem like a fun guy.
This is especially true for younger people. Hot girls on these sites get bombarded with creepers. By applying a little humor to your profile and keeping stuff light she will be able to feel a little more comfortable talking to you. Dating is supposed to be fun, so do not approach online dating like you would a job interview.
When you send a girl a message on the site, it needs to have some flair. If you just send something saying “Hi, I think you?re cute” her response is going to be: “Hi, I think you?re boring”. What I do is take something from her profile, and then tease her about it. The keeps things light, but allows you to stand out about it.
Do not have a 13-page long pen pal conversation with girls on these sites. Get her interested with something that stands out and offer a reason to get her phone number within three messages. The longer you talk on the site the more chance you will mess it up or she will lose interest.
There are also a lot of girls who only keep a profile up for about a week before they delete it. You have to strike fast if you want consistent results. If you are not sure how, just message the girl something like “Hey, this site is kinda annoying. Lets text so we don’t have to use it“. Use the website almost exclusively as a way to get a number, not as a way to get to know the girl. That is what real life dates are for silly!
This sounds stupid, but bare with me for a sec. When I first started using Plenty of Fish there was a ton of simple stuff I overlooked. Because of this I was messaging girls that were inactive, didn?t live by me and my profile was not even listed in the town I lived in. Even with my dashing good looks I was epically failing?online. Avoid this trouble, and get a feel for the site before you start spamming girls inboxes!
Online dating is pretty simple, and if you keep these 5 things in mind you are going to be ahead of 95% of the guys on these sites. If you have not checked out some online dating sites, stop letting nerdy appearance fool you. I have met a TON of hot girls through these sites, so be sure to check it out. Plenty of Fish is getting huge and is also totally free, so get your online creep on!
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About Alex Becker Alex Becker is a dating coach and writer with a huge knowledge base in PUA, psychology, and social dynamics. He currently spends most of his time focusing on teaching college aged men how to naturally improve their success with women. In his free time he enjoys playing guitar, building websites, and his dog Chewbacca.