Must-Read: Important Sex Questions, Answered
Don't do sex wrong
Sex tips! We love ’em! But more often than not they’re kind of the same thing. “Make sure you give her looks of love,” “Give it to her rough,” “Use this technique in order to more fully stimulate the G-spot,” “Don’t neglect areas of her body that aren’t her boobs and/or gentials,” and what-not! Those are all important items, no doubt. But there is an awful lot of repetition in the sex tips realm. If you’ve heard one person telling you how to use your tongue when you’re going down on her, you’ve pretty much heard them all.
Which is why we feel the need to highlight this piece over at that answers some interesting sex questions we were too ignorant to ask. For instance:
How do I minimize my chances of getting caught having sex in public?
When having sex in public, whether by yourself or in a group, one must take stringent precautions to avoid being seen, heard, or unfairly heckled. Dark alleys are great, but there can be some unscrupulous characters about, so make sure you hide the money first. Public parks are also good, and restrooms are perfect. According to Joseph Couture, author of Peek: Inside the Private World of Public Sex, the best “have double doors, because you can hear the first door open, and it gives you a second before they walk through the second door, before they’re actually able to see you.” Essentially you’ll want to scout a location that’s private, provides some cover, and allows you a wide vantage point so you can react quickly to any interlopers or horny senators.
Indeed! Yes, the tips are more jokey than not. But it’s still a pretty wonderful read.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.