Must-See: Nice You Meet You, Jessica Lowndes
Thank you,, for introducing us to the new love of our life. Her name is Jessica Lowndes, and this is her:
Jessica Lowndes
Until we saw this post today, we had no idea that she existed. Evidently, she’s in the updated version of “90210,” which we have never seen. In fact, we’ve never seen the original series. That’s not a judgement of whoever did — from what we understand, it’s a great show and all — but for whatever reason it slipped past our radar. And, honestly, even though Lowndes is in this updated version, we’re still going to pass it. There’s no need to watch it for her, you see, because she’s going to be hanging out in our apartment soon enough, coming home after a long day at work. Because we’re in love people! She just doesn’t know it yet!
Alright, fine. We’ll stop our act now. Head over to the above link if you’d like a full gallery of the lovely Ms. Lowndes. Have a good weekend, everyone.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.