Self Defense: Important Tips for Men
If you think self defense only refers to complicated Judo or Karate moves or taking classes at your neighborhood shooting range, think again. In most cases, day-to-day self defense tactics are actually much less dramatic. However, the lack of drama doesn’t make these techniques any less important. As is the case with most things in life, “an ounce of prevention can be worth a pound of cure.” Here are a few handy tips to keep in mind to make sure you start and end each day safely.
Stay Aware of Your Surroundings
Don't know what this is, and don't care
Many times people find themselves in unexpected or even dangerous situations simply because they didn’t stay alert to the conditions around them. Crimes occur every day practically everywhere, and no one location is immune to this fact. However, there are definitely some situations you should try to avoid in order to minimize the chance of problems.
For example, while it’s certainly not necessary to avoid bars and nightclubs entirely, there are some establishments that are more prone to problems and fights as compared to others. Even a situation as simple and harmless as a sporting event can cause problems under the right set of circumstances. Instead of avoiding every kind of situation that could cause a problem, it’s better to just develop an overall sense of awareness. By paying attention to the people around you and the situations that could be developing, you’ll be able to avoid getting involved in potential problems.
If you see something that you don’t like, simply leave the area before problems can occur. Of course, if it looks as though others could be in danger, make sure you notify the proper authorities. Although emergency situations do occur, it’s usually best not to try to be a hero when problems occur. After all, what might out as defending another person could result in a trip to the emergency room.
Keep Your Cool
Anger and lost tempers are among the most frequent causes of dangerous situations. Although of course you don’t have control over the reactions of other people, you can definitely learn to control your own temper. Always think before you speak, and avoid situations where verbal confrontations are likely to occur.
If you do get involved in a verbal disagreement, try to defuse it as quickly as possible. Learn to use negotiation instead of your fists, and you’ll avoid plenty of potentially dangerous situations. In fact, in most cases just keeping your mouth shut can avoid a problem from occurring in the first place. While this doesn’t mean that you should let people walk all over you, it does mean that there are other ways of resolving problems without resorting to anger and violence. If you find yourself getting angry with other people, stop yourself before things get too far out of hand. Simply walk away from the situation if necessary.
It’s also important not to get involved in other people’s fights. In most cases, you’ll just make matters worse if you try jumping into a fight. Not only is it an ineffective way of solving the problem, but it’s also a good way to get hurt in the process. Minding your own business, staying alert, and maintaining control of your temper are often the best self defense tactics you can learn.
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