Must-Read: The Best Beers That Won’t Give You The Gut
Beer is delicious. We all know this. As Homer Simpson once said, “Beer: The problem and solution to all of life’s problems.” But it does not agree with the health of your body. Just head into any bar on a weekday afternoon and measure the guts of the guys who are there, drinking away their problems. They will be enormous. Having a healthy body and drinking a lot of beer cannot coexist. But there are some good ones out there that won’t give you a man-baby in the stomach.
Which is why we’re highlighting this important and good read over at Men’s Fitness we stumbled onto today. It lists a variety of low-calorie beers that they give a big, ol’ thumbs up to in regards to what you should allow into your body. Our favorite from the bunch:
Sam Adams Light
Calories: 119
Total carbs: 9.6g
Alcohol content: 4%Great amber coloring and a rich taste that reminded some on our staff of fresh fruit-especially berries. Plus, unlike the original, Sam Light has no mouth-souring aftertaste.
If not? If you don’t want to choose these delicious light beers instead of the heavier, high-calorie flow? Well, then this could happen to you:
Get rid of the gut!
What say you? Any light beers out there not listed that you’d recommend?
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.