One Simple Rule That Will Get You Laid
Wouldn?t it be great if all you had to do was follow one simple rule to attract any girl you are want? Picking up girls has been made to be so complicated though. You have to remember this, you gotta do that, you must follow every magic pick up rule or you will never have sex again.
When you think about it this way, picking up chicks sucks! Where does the fun come in, is this all it has come to? Some endless grind of techniques and a never ever ending chain of conversations with strangers you hope you might actually like.
Screw this, let?s all just go chill on PlentyOfFish or something! At least the girls on there WANT to talk to us. I mean, the reason we try to pick up girls is because we want to have fun….right?
Well, hot diggity doo, what if I told you there actually is one simple rule you must follow to sleep with girls and actually enjoy the process. One simple, simple thing you have to in order to have your cake and eat it to. This amazing technique only requires you to do one and only one thing.
Easy as pie
I am constantly out with guys who are trying to drastically improve there skills with women. We are out at clubs, Kesha is blaring over the speakers, hot girls are dancing around us in tiny little outfits and serving us alcohol. You would think because of this orgy of excitement going on around us these guys would be having a blast.
Instead though, more often then not, they are standing there with the expression of one a guy getting off the D-Day boat in ?Saving Private Ryan.? They are rehearsing what to say, they are trying to remember to smile and attempting put up that pick up poker face. This is serious business, and it is imperative that we get EVERYTHING right, or else … we will not get laid.
That is all cool, but I have one question: What the hell is going on that is making guys think like this?
Did you know if you are having fun you will naturally just smile, you wont have to remember to … because you?re happy. If you are out having a blast, you are not going to be in your head thinking about what to say because you are on cloud 9. People LITERALLY put on their nice clothes and are out late for a chance to have fun. Call me crazy, but if you are having fun you have EXACTLY what they left the house looking.
Those girls out on the dance floor in the tight mini skirts – Yep, they?re out to have fun
That girl sitting at the bar by herself – She left the house hoping to have fun tonight. It?s not going as planned, maybe someone could change that
Literally every girl that walks through the club door is there for one and one thing only TO HAVE FUN.
So with this logic, can you see why if you are in super serious pick up artist mode how you could become extremely unattractive? You are not having fun, instead you are out at the club doing this endless grind of approaches and doing almost anything but enjoying yourself.
One of the quickest ways to get better at picking up chicks is to start to truly enjoy the process. When you go out you need to remember that your main priority is to have fun. Talking to strangers is fun. Going out at night is fun. Getting blown out by girls is funny. Picking up women is a blast no matter what, and you need to start thinking this way instead of viewing the club like a Pokemon card battle.
Long story short, guys. People are out to have fun, so start having fun with the whole entire pick up process. You cannot just be focuses on the bedroom part, because girls are attracted to sources of fun and excitement. In order to get them there, you must first have these things in some shape or form. So put a smile on your face, do a shot, and go have fun or die trying.
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Alex Becker Alex Becker is a dating coach and writer with a huge knowledge base in PUA, psychology, and social dynamics. He currently spends most of his time focusing on teaching college aged men how to naturally improve their success with women. In his free time he enjoys playing guitar, building websites, and his dog Chewbacca.