Free Course: Eliminate Your Inner “Nice Guy” and Pass Girl’s Secret Tests
The Biggest Mistake Guys Make: Having No Frame
Posted May 31, 2011
The is a huge secret that most guys simply just do not understand when it comes to meeting and trying to ninja their way into a woman?s pants. If you asked a dude what his biggest ...
How To Pick Up Waitresses and Bartenders
Posted May 30, 2011
Most bar and restaurant managers are men, and so most waitresses and bartenders are women. If I owned a bar, every employee would be a curvy brunette. Male patrons at a bar or rest ...
Must-Read: Reclaim Your Beach Body
Posted May 30, 2011
[caption id=\"attachment_27426\" align=\"alignright\" width=\"300\" caption=\"Get those beach muscles out\"][/caption] You feel that change in the air? You notice the women out ...
Posted May 27, 2011
Do you enjoy fear? Does public embarrassment and ridicule give you a warm tingling feeling of satisfaction? When you step foot in a club do you get excited knowing that you are abo ...
Great Moments in Text Message History: The Flake Arsenal
Posted May 27, 2011
Death, Taxes, and?FLAKES I could base my entire career as a men?s dating columnist on writing articles that get girls to stop flaking. Part of ?the game? of modern dating is antic ...
Posted May 27, 2011
[caption id=\"attachment_27359\" align=\"alignright\" width=\"184\" caption=\"Get un-stressed!\"][/caption] As I type this, I am fucking pissed off. Something with a project I\' ...