Must-Read: The Spartacus Workout 2.0
I am not a person who has, what the kids’ call, “abs.” Don’t get me wrong. I do have abdominal muscles. I’m not a FREAK here, people! But I don’t have the kinds that stick out in that cool 6-pack style whenever I take my shirt off at the beach. Which is ALL the time, because I live a few minutes drive from the beach. (Eat it, Midwesterners and East Coasters.) The embarrassment alone is why, today, I’m highlighting this pretty intense-sounding workout routine from Men’s Health called The Spartacus Workout.
The workout is “inspired” by the Starz! TV show Spartacus: Blood and Sand, whatever that means. What it means to me, though, is that it seems extremely demanding and is apparently the second version of this Spartacus workout:
And this workout? Even better than the original. When Cosgrove sent over the final version earlier this week, she included this note: ?The Spartacus Workout 2.0 has now been tested at Results Fitness, and it officially kicked my ass.?
Now before you say, ?So what, she?s a chick!?, you should know that Cosgrove is an Ironman triathlete who can deadlift 300 pounds. (That?s with perfect form, by the way.) So yeah, she?s a chick. But she?s also stronger and fitter than most men, and is one of the world?s top fitness experts.
I am, for one, intimidated.
The routine is supposed to be performed three times a week, so I’m going to give it a go and see how long I last. If anyone else wants to give it a try, I’d be extremely interested in hearing at how effective, and how strenuous, it was for you in the comments below.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.