A (Possibly) Hot Video of Lady Gaga?
So, this video has been making the rounds, and we still don’t know how we quite feel about it:
On the one hand, it stars Lady Gaga, who has never been one of our go-to folks when it comes to making lists about the hottest musicians/women on the planet. On the other hand, she is kind of writhing around in a sensual way that is kind of, in a way, sort of, we don’t know, sexy? (Is that enough half-ass, non-committal phrases for you?) And she is sort of naked in a lot of the video? And she certainly does have a nice body.
So, then. We are of two minds about this: On the one hand, we still aren’t the biggest fans of Lady Gaga around these parts. On the other, she is mostly nude and we felt it was necessary to pass along this information to you, the fine gentlemen of the net.
What say you, friends?
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.