Conversation Tips for First Dates
Although first dates can be fun and exciting, they can also be a bit stressful. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk to somebody that you hardly know, since you don?t yet have any common ground together. However, it?s important to remember that there was always a ?first meeting? with everyone in your life. Just as was the case with those relationships, you simply have to just start somewhere. Since engaging the woman in pleasant and interesting conversation is one area that can be difficult, here are a few tips to help you get through your first date conversations with flying colors.
Don't blow it
Sticking to safe conversation topics is usually the best approach, especially if you don?t really know much about the woman yet. Avoid topics that could get heated, such as religion or politics. It?s also a good idea to avoid any subject that could possibly bring up unpleasant memories from her past. For example, although it?s probably obvious that you should avoid talking about past boyfriends or ex-spouses, you might also want to avoid bringing up the subject of her parents. After all, an innocent ?What does your father do for a living?? question might be answered with the fact that he recently passed away.
==>This article talks about good conversation topics for first dates.
However, don?t worry too much about asking the wrong questions, as that could prevent you from having a normal conversation. If you bring up something that hits a little too close to home for her, just brush it off and change the conversation topic, apologizing if necessary.
In general, first date conversations will go better if you focus on things that are happening in the present, or things that you look forward to in the future. Steer clear of topics that could make it seem as though you are prying into her past. Try talking about hobbies that she enjoys, or her career plans.
Topics involving things she likes to do are much better than asking her pointed questions about things she has done in the past. After all, not only could you make her feel uncomfortable by asking prying questions, but you just might discover something that you really don?t like. It?s best to get to know each other better before you start sharing difficult topics.
Being a good listener is probably one of the most important keys to being a good conversationalist. Make sure you aren?t monopolizing the conversation. In fact, it?s usually a good idea to let her do the majority of the talking on the first date. However, always make sure you are listening carefully, and ask her questions when appropriate.
Women usually like men who are good listeners, but not men who just pretend to listen – there is definitely a difference. If she is talking about something that you really don?t understand, try to ask her a few pertinent questions. But above all, smile and have a good time. Even if you don?t understand the subject matter completely, it can be fun to listen to what she has to say. Don?t be afraid to be confident and speak your mind when necessary, but definitely don?t disagree and argue with everything she says.
Finally, remember that you don?t have to discuss everything on first date. In fact, if you leave a few topics hanging, you’ll have even more reasons to go out on a second date.
Senior staff writer for, EdwardDickinson, offers design advice on decorating with Mexican metal wall art and wolf metal wall art.
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