Top 10 PUAs of 2010

TSB Magazine Presents…

The Top 10 Pickup Artists of 2010

TSB Magazine has been around now for over 6 years. Over the past couple years we have become extremely involved in the pick-up and seduction community. We have been invited to attend various boot camps and seminars.?We have had the chance to personally interview many of the top coaches and instructors.

We have personally been in the field with instructors, and have had behind the scenes conversations with many in the community.

We have also had the opportunity to view hundreds of hours of infield video and audio from various pick up artists and instructors, as well as talk to many students who have attended various boot camps.

It is with all of this information that we have decided to honor?The Top 10 Pick Up Artists of 2010.

How we have based our rankings:

Above all, we conducted a survey that received well over 10,000 responses.? So everyone on this list has the support of thousands and thousands of aspiring pickup artists.

The top 10 list will comprise of PUAs who have demonstrated tremendous ability both in the field, and teaching others the skills. The top PUA must be active within the community, and have testimonials from people outside his own organization.

Here are the main areas of focus:

  • Reader?s voting
  • Innovation
  • Contribution to community
  • Infield ability
  • Student success ratio

1. Jon Sinn

For a second year in a row Jon Sinn has been named Pickup Artist of the year. ?It is hard to argue against the decision as very few men live, breath, and practice pickup like Jon.

While many coaches and pickup artists are happy to collect a paycheck teaching the same thing year after year, Jon strives to continually innovate and refine his art.

Jon has been described as a machine in the field, able to counter any objection a woman has, and continue plowing along until finally scoring her. ?As a teacher, the self proclaimed King of Content, as put out countless free videos, audio, and blog posts that have helped and inspired millions of men around the world.

This year Jon has released the hugely popular Seduction Roadmap where he taught thousands of men how to take a conversation from flirtation to seduction.

Listen to this Interview with Jon Sinn

2. Rob Judge

Rob Judge, new on the scene in 2009, cracked the t0p 10 last year. ?Over the past year Rob has morphed into one of the most prolific pickup artists and dating coaches in the community.

He has quickly?amassed?a huge following of loyal followers, and his ebook Date Hotter Girls was one of the highest rated books of the year.

Out of all the guys in the TOP 10 I’ve had the most opportunity to see Rob in action. ?The guy is the real deal. ?Although his game is not flashy, he gets the job done TIME AFTER TIME. ?It is a rare night that Rob leaves a bar in NY without a woman by his side.

Not only is he amazing infield, but Rob has a great ability to teach his game. ?Over the past year Rob has contributed articles all over the internet, and my interviews with him are usually some of the most popular I’ve done.

Watch my Interview with Rob Judge

3. ?Vin Dicarlo

Although Vin Dicarlo has been around for years, it seemed like he came out of nowhere this year and took the seduction community by storm with the release of his Pandora’s Box program. ?And the program must have been a hit , as Vin almost tripled the amount of votes he got last year.

I’ve been a fan of Vin’s ever since he put out the amazing (and free) Dicarlo Escalation Ladder where he laid out the complete process of escalation. ?And enjoyed reading his old field reports back in his days writing as Woodhaven on the old forums.

And anybody who knows Vin personally, knows that he practice what he preaches and has a gaggle of women to choose from at anytime.

Read my?interviews?with Vin (Interview part 1) and (Interview part 2)

4. ?Richard La Ruina

Gambler has kept a little lower profile than last year when he ranked #2, mostly because he has spent the past year traveling the world, seducing women in dozens of countries.

But that hasn’t stopped in from putting out tons of quality (free) articles, training hundreds of men through his PUA Training company, and making the rounds with countless interviews and podcasts.

I can honestly say that everytime I interview Richard, I learn something new (especially when it comes to the art of conversation) ?Others must feel the same way as he received tremendous amount of voter support this year.

Check out this free online bootcamp

5. ?Soul

“Mr. Daygame” Jeremy Bonney continues to receive HUGE voter support year after year. ?It takes a certain kind of pickup artist to dedicate his time to daygame (which in my opinion is one of the hardest skills to master) and Jeremy has made a name for himself as one of the premier day game masters.

Soul has released quite a few?day game videos over the past year.?? And is making it look it easy.

TSB Magazine?s Mike Stoute and Pete the Freshman had an opportunity to attend one of Soul?s NY City Day Game seminars and they both came back extremely impressed with what he was teaching and the reaction he received from his students.

Listen to this interview with Soul

6. Adam Lyons

Adam Lyons continues to be one of the most popular guys around the community, as evidence by the amount of votes he got this year.

Adam’s bootcamps routinely sell out, and his students always rave about their experience with him.

I believe the only thing keeping Adam out of the top 3 is that he is in a committed relationship for a few years now, and is not out there actively practicing game.

I?ve attended an?Adam Lyons bootcamp, and talk know dozens of other guys who have taken his bootcamp? and EVERYONE is always thrilled with the experience.

Learn more about Adam Lyons

7. ?Mark Manson (Entropy)

Entropy has been a staple of the community for the past few years and consistently gets high marks on his coaching ability and his ability to pull girls infield.

Mark also has an amazing ability to write about pickup in an easy to understand, no fluff sort of way, that makes his blog one of the most popular in the community.

He is also open and honest on his blog (unlike some instructors) and tells you the good, bad, and ugly of studying pickup.

Listen to my interview with Mark

8. ?Race De Priest

Race, who works for The Social Man, has been known around the community for several years now for his insane ability to pickup girls off of social networking sites like Myspace, Plenty of Fish, and Facebook.

This year, Race was in a creative frame, producing two of the hottest products of the year in B4UTXHER and Push Button Dating. ?Both of the products cemented Race as one of the top teachers of the year.

But the question is… is he living it? ?I’ve hung out with Race quite a few times and he is every bit as good as he claims, as he always has a hot chick on his arm. ?Whether we were hanging out in his territory of Las Vegas or in New York city, the guy is a revolving door of women.

Watch my interview with Race

9. ?Sixty Years of Challenge

This is Chris’s (Sixty) first time on making the list. ?But he has been an ‘underground’ legend for several years now. ?I just came aware of Sixty over the past year, and was absolutely blown away by a lot of what he has to say.

I’ve had a chance to interview Sixty and had a chance to see him speak at the NY Dating Conference, and both times I found myself nodding?continuously?at things he was saying. ?And introducing me to concepts and ideas that I had not heard anywhere else.

He brings an extremely fresh perspective to the dating and pickup community. ?And is surely going to be someone you are going to be hearing a lot about over the next couple years.

Read this article by Sixty Years of Challenge

10. ?Brad P

Brad, a previously voted #1, rounds out the top 10. ?Brad made some huge news with some graphic x-rated infield footage that he released at a couple of the dating conferences and summits this year.

I truly believe that one of the reasons Brad didn’t get more votes this year is his refusal to reveal his identity online. Although his infield bootcamps, Mansion, and 30/30 club are hugely popular, Brad lacks a strong internet?presence.

Brad is respected by just about everyone in the community. ?And his wild tales of same night lays are?legendary.

Read this four part portrait of Brad P ( part 1) ?and ?(part 2) and (part 3) and (part 4)

That wraps up this year’s top 10. ?Feel free to express your opinion below. ?Keep it civilized though 🙂

>>>>For more on creating fun, playful ?small talk? with women,?download the free ?Small Talk Tactics? report and podcast. It explains exactly how to make small talk sexy and keep a conversation flowing.<<<<

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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