How to Attract Women Anywhere
I have a saying that I try to remember on a daily basis. I actually got it from a rap song I heard a while back (credit to Suga Free).
If you stay ready, you ain?t got to get ready
This article is about always being attractive when you leave your house. Now, I?m not necessarily talking about approaching women. Instead, I?m talking about presenting yourself in public in such a way that if you decide to talk to a woman, she will be very receptive to your approach.
First of all, let?s talk about clothes and style. Keep it clean. I can?t stand this fashion trend of stitched-on dragons and skulls and crazy squiggles. A clean, well-fitting t-shirt, and some blue jeans is a great look for any guy. Make sure your jeans are up to date ? no Wranglers from 1992. True Religion, Joe?s Jeans, Levi?s, Diesel ? these are all great brands. Make sure they fit and don?t have too much extra decoration.
Don’t forget to groom
Don?t get too fancy unless you really know what you are doing. Keep your shirts simple and masculine. Get some plaid shirts with colors that look good with your skin tone. Roll up the sleeves. Solid button-downs are much better than fancy stripes or stitched dragons. V-neck t-shirts make your shoulders look broader. Make sure your clothes are clean and unwrinkled.
Get a woman who knows fashion to go shoe-shopping with you. Women always notice a guys shoes (I know, it?s weird). Trust that a woman will know which shoes you should wear, and you?ll be shocked when women give you more attention when you wear what your female friend picked out for you.
A standard for any guy, dressing up, or dressing down, is a stylish, well-fitting jacket. Have a casual jacket for when the weather cools off, and maybe a heavier coat if it gets really cold. This is another thing women really notice.
So let?s recap fashion:
Keep it clean and simple.
Pick colors that suit your skin tone, and wear styles that fit your body type.
Keep your items up to date, and get help from women whenever possible.
Make sure you are groomed. There?s nothing worse than going 3 days without shaving or taking a shower, going to the grocery store in your sweats, and seeing the girl of your dreams in the produce section. You look like crap, you feel like a slob. This will kill your confidence and give you an easy excuse to chicken out.
Keep your facial hair groomed ? shave clean or trim your beard. Make sure your haircut is current and sharp. Pluck nose and ear hairs, and make sure you smell clean when you leave your house. Working from home, this is an area I really have to discipline myself.
Lastly, make small talk with strangers as soon as you leave your house. This will keep you warmed up mentally, for social situations. If you are already in the habit of talking to people first thing in the morning, it will be much easier to strike up a conversation with women on your lunch break. And by happy hour, you?ll be on fire!
These are some easy ways to stay ready for meeting women. Get your wardrobe together, keep your body clean and groomed, and stay socially warmed-up. Then you will have no excuses!
Here is another article related to the subject:?
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About Vin DiCarlo Always a rebel with a unique point of view, Vin DiCarlo invented many of the most effective techniques out there, today. His students are some of the most successful and respected in the world. For more information, including how you can get more information - for free - Click Here to watch the Mind Reading Video.