Amazing Holiday Fitness Gifts for Last Minute Shoppers Part II
The extremely vital part 1 is located here.
Fitness equipment is always a great gift, but a lot of it comes with a pretty sizable price tag. If you?ve got someone on your list that is looking to get in better shape for the New Year, here are some great options that will produce great results without breaking the bank.
A quality set of resistance bands is great for people who want to be able to get a full workout at home, but are limited by space constraints. A good set of bands from a company like Lifeline USA, Ripcords or SPRI will give you the opportunity to perform a huge variety of different exercises without having to use a bunch of bulky or expensive equipment ? it?s kind of like having access to a fully stocked gym that you can roll up and fit neatly in your back pack when you?re through.
A top quality set of bands that will stand the test of time can be found for anywhere between about twenty five and forty bucks ? and for the versatility they provide, they are worth every penny.
It?s super easy to work your chest, triceps and shoulders with push up variations and your lower body with squats and lunges, but effectively working your back and biceps with bodyweight exercise can be a bit of a challenge if you don?t have access to a pull up bar.
Portable pull up bars from Iron Gym, TDS and Everlast easily slip into just about any open doorway to add a ton of possible exercise to a bodyweight workout. Many of these bars have multiple grip positions which can help keep workouts fresh by adding a lot of variety. An added bonus to having a pull up bar is that they give you someplace to perform hanging leg raises, an excellent movement for carving out those six pack abs.
You can find a decent, sturdy pull up bar that will help complete a home gym for anywhere from around twenty to thirty five dollars.
But maybe not try THIS position
If you?re on a tight budget, but still want to give someone an awesome fitness gift a jump rope is an excellent choice.? You can get a decent jump rope from Everlast for under ten bucks and you?ll be giving the gift of a wickedly intense, fat torching conditioning workout that can be performed anywhere at any time.
In all seriousness, if you?re buying for someone who wants to melt away some excess pounds, a jump rope could very well be near the top of your list regardless of how much you want to spend.
Stability balls can be used in place of a bench to perform a variety of pressing movements with free weights, they are great for stretching and there are few other pieces of equipment that are as effective at working the core.
You can find a burst resistance ball, tested up to 1000+ pounds, which can make workouts more fun and more effective for around twenty five dollars.
Medicine balls can be used for building muscle, improving conditioning and developing explosive power.? There are literally varieties of medicine balls to suit anyone?s personal taste and current fitness level ? you can choose from rubber, vinyl, leather models with weights ranging from less than five pounds to twenty or more pounds.
Though some medicine balls are unnecessarily expensive, you should have no problem finding a good quality ball in the appropriate weight range for anywhere between twenty and thirty dollars.
If you need a great fitness gift and are shopping with a tight budget any of the gear above could certainly do the trick, but with only a few days before the holiday you?d better get shopping unless you are planning on handing out bleated Christmas gifts.
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About Jeff Wilson Jeff Wilson has been involved in some form of sports and athletic training for more than two decades: as an athlete, a trainer and a writer.