Tongue Twisters: Maxim’s Unspeakable Beauties
You know how it is, you’re out on the town and some gorgeous supermodel from god-knows-where starts hitting on you like cah-razy, and you try to trade numbers but she’s saying some combination of syllables that you just can’t seem to organize in your head, so eventually you get frustrated and just settle for some decently-attractive girl with a nice American name you can digest like “Barb” or “Jacki.”
No? This isn’t a common occurrence for all of you? And you’d have the patience to learn that supermodel’s name?
In any case, the good folks over at Maxim have hit on this phenomenon of hot supermodels from around the world having unpronounceable names by putting together a slide show of … hot supermodels from around the world with unpronounceable names. Here’s our favorite three, but feel free (in fact, we encourage you whole-heartedly) to head over to the Maxim website and check them all out. First one to correctly say the name of all of them out loud wins — fuck, I don’t know — a chance to view the slide show again? Sure. That’ll work.
Sabrina Geerinckx
Eleonora Di Miele
Alina Vacariu
Have a good weekend, everyone.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.