How to Approach Women During the Day
Even if you live in a small town, I?m sure you see attractive women you?d like to meet during the day. If you live in a big city, and you?re anything like me, you spend a good amount of your day rubber-necking to check out all the beautiful women pass by.
It?s rare to see a man approach a woman during the day. It?s much more common to see men approach women at night, at bars and clubs. But in my experience, meeting women during the day where it?s at. Don?t get me wrong, I enjoy going out at night. But drinking, staying out late, and spending money on cover, drinks, parking, etc ? it takes a toll on you (and your wallet).
The challenge with meeting women during the day is that it is rare ? it?s not as socially accepted to try to talk to a woman, for example, on the subway or in a store. If you do attempt to initiate conversation, it?s likely that everyone around will be looking and listening. This creates anxiety in most guys ? you feel like you are on stage, and in a sense, you are!
Don’t wait until night
The other challenge is that women are not in a social mindset during the day. When a woman goes out at night, she is with friends, has a few drinks, and is ready to mingle. During the day, she is thinking about all the errands she has to run, or what she?s going to wear later that night!
There are two keys to meeting women that alleviate both of these challenges. First, be aware of what kind of environment you are in. Is it ?static? or ?dynamic??
There is little movement, and the energy of the location is quiet and/or slow. You and she will be there for at least a couple minutes.
Sitting on the subway
Sitting in a caf? where people are working on their laptops
Shopping in a store
There is a lot of movement ? you only have a brief moment to initiate a conversation
Passing a woman on the street
Walking past a woman sitting on a park bench
Seeing a woman leave a store while you are about to enter the checkout line
In a static scenario, use a simple, situational comment or question. You can ask if she has ever been to a restaurant you just heard about. You can give her a compliment, like ?I like your shoes.? You want to start off easy and light ? just making small talk and being friendly. As you keep the conversation going, she?ll understand that you are interested. If she is interested back, she will give you more of her attention and talk with you. After a couple minutes, tell her you?d like to give her a call.
In a dynamic scenario, you?ll need to act fast, and have balls! You only have a couple seconds. If a woman passes by you on the street and she just knocks you out with her beauty, double-back and catch up to her. Be respectful of her space, but make sure you get partially in front of her, and look into her eyes so she knows that you intend on talking to. Be very direct ? don?t play games here.
?Excuse me. I know this might sound crazy, but I just saw you walk past, and I just had to tell you I think you are beautiful. (Let this sink in ? she?ll probably be flattered, but also startled). I have to know who you are. What?s your name? I?m headed the other way, but may I walk you to the corner??
At this point, ask her basic questions to learn about her, and also talk about yourself. The key here is to smile and be enthusiastic. You have to own this approach. Don?t act cool ? be excited and she will feel your energy. You are taking over her world for a couple minutes. You must accept this and take control, with as much positive energy as you can muster.
I?ve met some amazing women on the street like this. Sometimes you get shot down, and yes it is scary. But the payoff is huge when you create a movie moment with a beautiful woman, and a couple days later you and she are laying naked in your bed!
Find out what type of girl she is. Use these 3 questions to read her mind, and the give her exactly what she wants. Click here to learn the secret to reading her mind.
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About Vin DiCarlo Always a rebel with a unique point of view, Vin DiCarlo invented many of the most effective techniques out there, today. His students are some of the most successful and respected in the world. For more information, including how you can get more information - for free - Click Here to watch the Mind Reading Video.