Must-Read: Top 50 Manly Movies
Well, here’s a good way to close out the week. (For those who haven’t already clocked out early on Wednesday before
Killing your wife and son ... just being a man
Turkey Day, that is.) The folks over at have put together another extraordinary list, this one featuring the top 50 movies that are about the struggles that go with being a man. And being a man myself, let me tell you, there are many.
To be clear, it’s not just “guy movies” they’re talking about here:
When we at AM talk about “a movie about being a man,” we’re not talking about a “guy movie.” A guy movie is a film that appeals to men because it contains elements that our gender is known to appreciate: big boobs, crass humor, police cars crashing into helicopters, etc. A movie about being a man is a film that speaks to the male experience directly; it’s a film that addresses topics and themes that will provoke male viewers while going completely undetected by the females in the audience – themes like how an attractive woman can make you behave like a lunatic, or how professional life can mess with your own sense of identity. Movies about being a man are built exclusively for the male brain.
So what movies make the list? A sampling is Fight Club (No. 50), The Bridge on the River Kwai (44), The Shining (30), The Big Lebowski (22), The Graduate (10) … and their number one movie about being a man: Raging Bull.
So, check out the list. If you have any complaints or comments, or have a favorite “movie about being a man” that’s not on the list, feel free to make yourself known in the comments. Have a nice weekend, everyone.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.