Get Out Of The “Friend Zone”
I have a big problem with the term, ?friend zone.? It?s a misnomer. If you are in the ?friend zone? with a woman, it?s likely that you are not really her friend. The term comes from what women commonly say to a guy that is interested romantically, but the feeling is not reciprocated. So the woman will say, ?Let?s just be friends,? or ?I like you as a friend.?
The dreaded friend zone
Really, she does not care whether or not you are her friend. She is just being nice, and doesn?t want to say, ?I don?t like you and I?m not attracted to you.? So a better term is the ?nothing zone.? As in, you have nothing ? no friendship, no attraction, zilch.
Now some guys actually do play a friend-role with women they secretly are interested in. But again, this is the nothing zone, because in this case, the friendship is false. The guy doesn?t really want to be her friend. He wants to sleep with her! As the friendship is false, it is really ?nothing.?
So how do you get out of the ?nothing zone?? Well there are two common mistakes I see guys make when they consistently end up as ?friends? with women.
First, they don?t garner respect from women. Women see them as ?nice,? in other words, soft and weak. A woman must feel respect for a man in order to feel sexually aroused by him. Think about ways other men you know gain or lose your respect. Think of a guy that you look up to. You want to create that same impression you have for him in women you meet.
Having integrity, standing up for yourself, not putting up with sub-par behavior, and having a strong direction in life all create a sense of respect in others. This is the crucial foundation that most men forget when meeting women.
Second, men who end up in the ?nothing zone? don?t interact with women on a physical level. I cover this in other articles, but it?s really important that you are able to touch women in a comfortable, smooth way.
An easy way to do this is by adopting a protective mentality with a woman you are with, and touching her to keep her safe, and guide her body. Guide her through doorways by touching her lower back, putting your arm around her if it?s cold or people are brushing past ? these are all great ways to not only make a woman feel safe, but escalate on physical level.
When you aren?t afraid to get physical with a woman, she will respect you because she sees that you take control and go for what you want. So you see, respect and physicality play hand in hand.
Find out what type of girl she is? use these 3 questions to read her mind, and the give her exactly what she wants?.Click here to learn the secret to reading her mind.
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About Vin DiCarlo Always a rebel with a unique point of view, Vin DiCarlo invented many of the most effective techniques out there, today. His students are some of the most successful and respected in the world. For more information, including how you can get more information - for free - Click Here to watch the Mind Reading Video.