Friday Fun Time: Top 10 Berlusconi Moments
A true badass
Silvio Berlusconi, president of Italy, is one badass motherfucker.
Yes, he’s an asshole. Yes, he’s embarrassing to a whole lot of people whom he represents. Yes, he’s a womanizer of the worst kind. But seeing as he’s not our president, we can just kind of watch in awe as this Al Swearengen-type controls one of the most powerful countries in the world. As a nice little Friday treat, we’re linking to this fascinating piece over at about the top 10 Berlusconi Moments.
Here are some amazing highlights of his often horrific joking sensibilities:
– He called those who voted against him “dickheads” and remarked that his opponent wouldn’t win because “I do not believe that Italians could be retarded enough to fall into a trap like this.”
– When choosing who to put up as election candidates in the country, the man chose a bunch of models.
– He called Obama “suntanned.” Yikes.
– During a conference at the European Union, he suggested that a German in attendance could make a great concentration camp guard.
And this doesn’t even mention his many, many trysts with girls that are, in most cases, five decades his junior. This is someone, again, in a position of power in one of the most important countries in the world. Amazing. He is not a man to be emulated, but to just be looked upon and declared one badass motherfucker.
Enjoy the weekend, all.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.