Get Fit on the Cheap
If you?re in the market to gain a little muscle, burn some excess fat or just build a better body in general, but you?re relatively new to the fitness game; the sheer volume of information that you come across out there can be confusing. There are so many commercial gyms, so many equipment and gear manufacturers and so many supplement companies out there that are so hungry for your money that they?ll tell you whatever you want to hear in order to try and get it. Truth be told, only a relatively small portion of what you see advertised on TV actually delivers on the promises made and if you don?t have a lot of experience sniffing out the marketing BS you could end up losing your shirt without losing any of that excess flab underneath it.
In the world of health and fitness, the old adage ?If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,? couldn?t be more helpful. If a program or product promises what seems to be incredibly unrealistic results through very little effort, there is a good chance that the product is, for the most part, just a set up to get your hard earned cash. Of course, that?s not to say that every product or program that you see advertised on the internet, on TV or in magazines is bad, but it is certainly best? to steer clear of big promises that seem to have big price tags and little substance.
If you are just considering getting into a fitness routine, you don?t need to make a sizable investment in order to get a
good workout ? in fact, the only investment that you really need to make to get a better body is an investment of time and effort. Forget about the fully stocked commercial gyms, the fancy home gym machines and all of the fat burning/muscle building supplements for a minute ? if your primary goal is to begin building a better body, you?ve already got all of the tools that you need.
You can design a completely safe and incredibly effective workout routine with all of the moves completely based around your body as the primary form of resistance. These workouts will be fast paced, fun, effective and best of all ? they won?t cost you a dime to perform. There is an endless array of highly effective body weight resistance movements out there that will give you a workout that will rival any workout that you?d be able to get in a commercial gym and you won?t ever have to waste time driving to the gym or waiting in line for a machine.
Most people are familiar with the basic body weight movements: pushups, pull ups, squats, lunges, planks, mountain climbers, etc., etc., which alone can give you a pretty effective training routine ? but for those of you that need variety and excitement in your training routine, there are literally thousands of different moves and variations of moves that can be performed with no equipment to help keep your workouts fresh for the foreseeable future so that you won?t have to worry about getting bored.
Just because you won?t be lugging heavy weights around, it doesn?t mean that you don?t have to be concerned with proper form for safety and just because you?re working out in your living room, it doesn?t mean that you?re workout shouldn?t have the proper structure.? Here are two great sites to help you learn how to perform several body weight movements correctly and how to put them together into a routine to help you build muscle and burn fat?
Bodyweight Culture is a forum that requires registration, but is completely free. It has tons of useful information on structuring body weight workouts for achieving specific goals, plenty of ?how to? instruction and videos for those who are just beginning and easy interaction with folks who?ve made body weight fitness their passion for years and have plenty of experience to share on what works well and what doesn?t work so well.
Body by Fish is a site run by a dude named Scrapper and it contains articles, instructions, tons of videos and pre-structured workouts so that you can dive right in and start training for your goals immediately.
If you?re not a competitive bodybuilder or endurance athlete, you?ve probably got better things to spend your cash on that gym memberships and supplements.? Use the information from Scrapper and Bodyweight Culture to put together an awesome bodyweight workout that will whip you into shape and save that hard earned cash for some fun on the weekend.
About Jeff Wilson Jeff Wilson has been involved in some form of sports and athletic training for more than two decades: as an athlete, a trainer and a writer.