You Can Now Purchase 192-Proof Vodka
This news certainly caught my attention last week. The state of New Jersey has gone ahead and approved the sale of
brands of vodkas that are 192-proof! That means, if you have the guts to take a shot from one of these brands, you are drinking something that contains 96% alcohol. Go ahead and re-read that line one more time. 96-fucking-percent alcohol. Most vodkas, usually, hover around the 100-proof mark, making these new vodkas nearly twice as potent.
Now, I’m of two minds about trying this. First, since some awful experiences in college, vodka has never really sat well with me. I mostly steer clear from the clear drink. But there is something very daredevil-ey about taking a shot of something that is 96-fucking-perfect alcohol(!!!) that definitely makes me consider giving it a, er, shot. If I do, it most certainly will be a rough day and night to follow. Here’s a quote from someone who tried it:
“It’s incredibly sharp. It takes your breath away,” said Levi Pekar, 22, a Brooklyn student who has sampled the swill. “It’s like getting punched in the solar plexus.”
So, I guess, the main question is do I feel like willingly paying someone to basically punch me in the solar plexus? When I ask it like that, no. Not really. I think I’m going to pass on this one.
But still, what say you, everyone? Anyone going to give it a try? Please, feel free to offer any testimonials, suggestions, death notices in the comments below.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.