3 Types of College Girls to Hook up With
I love finding something that is spot on. ?Anyone who has been to college quickly realizes that you can “categorize” girls very easily into several different “types.”
I know which type I liked (drunk and easy). ?Anyway our friends over at The Campus Throne just put together a cool post where they break down the three types of college girls. ?And then give insights into how to hook up with them.
Here is an?excerpt?from the article, where he is talking about “Distractions”:
You?ve seen this girl before.? The one dancing on the bar, making out with her friends, practically scissoring her girlfriends on the dance floor.? Every guy in the room is watching these girls, buying them drinks, trying to talk to them.? By the end of the night, they don?t get with anybody.? They are there to distract you and waste your time and money (if you are dumb enough to buy them drinks).? These girls love the attention and quite frankly, the attention seems to be more than enough to keep them satisfied.
I think we’ve all met a few of them. ?Read the read of the article to find out the other two types.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.