How To Make a Female Friend Become Your Girlfriend

Can You Turn a Female Friend into A Girlfriend?

The Answer Is Easier Than You?d Think

The age-old answer for how to turn a friend into something more?


Variety is EVERYTHING and it rings true in ALL aspects of your interactions with women if you want to turn a friend to be your girlfriend. The more emotions she feels around you, the stronger an impression you?ll make. The more interesting things she learns about you and tells you about herself, the more deeply she?ll feel connected to you. And the more places she visits and things she does and sees with you, the longer she?ll feel she?s known you.

And the longer a woman who is attracted to you has known you, the more inclined she will be to acting on that attraction and go further with you into a deeper, more ?romantic? relationships. What you want is for your girl to come with you on a handful of different adventures, you want to keep stirring up emotions in her: happy, sad, annoyed, angry, irritated, fun, sensual, sexual, flirty, etc? it doesn?t really matter.

Have you had friends who just couldn?t seem to see eye to eye with one another, who couldn?t stand one another, always arguing, quarreling and suddenly one day you see the both of them hooking up together as a couple?

I have. Many times. Why and how did it happen?

The tension was always there, emotions were stirred, without them realizing it, the constant provocation of emotions were actually setting up the stage for a deeply, passionate relationship. So again, it?s really more about MEMORIES you create in her and less about the TIME you know each other that sparks attraction in a woman. Sharing more experiences in a shorter amount of time makes a closer, DEEPER connection.

The premise of distorting a woman?s senses to spark attraction is based on a psychological phenomenon known as Response Facilitation (RF). This is the process of strengthening the dominant response in a particular situation. You are going to use it to strengthen her emotional responses and get her to REALLY like you and see you a little more than a friend.

This is how it works.

Understand that emotions basically consist of two parts: a cognitive component (what you?re thinking) and a physiological component (what you?re feeling). The cognitive, ?thinking component? determines WHAT emotion you?re feeling, while the physiological, ?feeling component? determines the INTENSITY of that emotion.

For example, if you?re thrilled with someone, you?re thinking all kinds of ?exciting? thoughts about that person (This is great fun! Can?t wait to do this again!). You?re also experiencing certain physiological sensations throughout your body that indicate that you?re excited such as an increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, mild sweating, adrenaline surging throughout your veins, etc.

And the more intense the physiological aspects become, the more exhilaration you FEEL.

The state of being thrilled has more to do with the cognitive, ?thinking? component, than with the physiological, ?feeling? component. You?re thinking ?thrilling? thoughts first and your body starts reacting to what you are thinking. Use states of PHYSIOLOGICAL arousal to intensify her emotional responses. Remember, the arousal part of emotions is pretty similar from one emotion to the next, and the amount of arousal present determines the INTENSITY of the experienced emotion.

Now that you understand this, you?ll have to think of ways to come up with situations where she is highly likely to experience increased levels of arousal, and to pair YOURSELF with that arousal.

So, in a nutshell, you should be able to take a girl who likes you (someone who has mild physiological arousal when you?re around) and make her REALLY like you, by adding ?extra? arousal to the situation. The extra arousal will add up with that that is already present so as to increase the intensity of her emotional response toward you.

So how do you go about it doing it?

Download and watch these videos for more techniques on how to get a woman to CHANGE HER MIND and see you as a?SEXUAL BEING and not ?just a friend.?

You do it by simply doing enjoyable AND arousing things together by having fun AND amping up the teasing, flirting and sexual tension when you?re together. Most of these activities involve doing something FUN and extremely enjoyable that appeals to her five senses. FUN and arousal, if you don?t already know, always leads to LOVE and PASSION.

For example:

You can take her to an amusement park. The crazy roller coasters, drenching water slides, breath-taking ferris wheels will not only increase her heart rate but also her sense of arousal. It gives you both a chance to hug one another, to accidentally touch, kiss, hold one another, and so on. As you?re both getting onboard the roller coaster, you give her your hand, she grabs it, you hold on to it, you look deep into her eyes, if she doesn?t let go, it means she likes it. As you?re flying up and down, if she?s comfortable with you, she might hug on to you and you grab on tightly to her and bring her closer into you.

The smallest of things, the simplest of things works wonders, the activities you?re doing? together will give you unlimited opportunities and chances to go kino, to get physical with her, unlike everyday shopping and boring talk will ever do. It won?t look like you?re taking advantage or that you?re trying to put a move and on her because it?s as NATURAL as it can ever be!

It?s really a very powerful way to turn a friend into a lover.

In other ways to turn a friend to a girlfriend, you need to intensify her feelings; take her to these places so that she loses track of time passing. Take her to a place where there are constant ACTIVITY and MOVEMENT so she gets caught up in the atmosphere ? embark on some kind of journey together, distract her mind with new sights, new people, new experiences. The pace of your seduction and attraction effort must pick up at a certain moment to create a whirling effect in her mind.

The point is for you to get creative in creating OPPORTUNITIES for yourself in order for her to see a WHOLE NEW SIDE to you that she?s NEVER seen and experienced before.

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About Simon Heong Simon Heong is widely regarded as one of the most respected Asian Dating Consultant & Publisher. His specialty is turning a friend into a lover. To get instant FREE access to his no BS, cutting edge strategies & techniques for success with women, just go over and sign up for his free newsletters at

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