Hero Of The Week: The Yo-Yo “Borat”
So, this is awesome. Some guy has been going on local TV news shows in the Midwest for the past month claiming to be a yo-yo champion. Except he’s not. At all.
The guy, seen below dressed in a yellow hat, suspenders and green pants, has popped up on a few local news programs claiming to be someone called “” who is a yo-yo trick champion. Except, when he begins performing the yo-yo tricks in front of live cameras, things inevitably end up going horribly wrong and his yo-yos get super-tangled. Thing is, he’s making all of this stuff up about being a yo-yo champion. News organizations, if this guy comes strolling into your studio, you might want to think twice before allowing him in:
Deadspin is all over this one, uploading a trifecta of (argh! unembeddable!) videos showing Mr. at work, twirling yo-yos with no regard for human life. (Really, it’s worth clicking the link and heading over for the videos.) According to Deadspin, the man has tricked six local news broadcasts in the past month into allowing him on air to show off his yo-yo skills. Six! This is Sasha Baron Cohen territory people. Keep it up, yo-yo man!
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.