Best Weekend Reading from Around the Web
I liked this post by Steve Scott about developing the 5 daily actions success habit. I do something similar to this in what I call my morning ritual… where I do yoga, visualize my goals, write them down, spend 1 hour writing, and eating a health breakfast.
Rob Judge wrote a funny article over at his blog called If Cockblocks were Super Mario Villains… and he gives a pretty accurate description of the sort of cockblocks you run into at bars.
Funny Stuff:? 10 Pranks that probably ended relationships
Just a Guy Thing published a good Joseph Mathews article titled The Most Powerful Step for Meeting Women
Weekend Eye Candy: Playboy’s Candice Boucher
Soul publised a good article over at Eseduce called How to Escalate Sexually with Women.? A much needed guide for many guys out there.
Video:? Sneaky Tricks to Get Out of the Friend Zone
Because I am a super big fan of Brazilian Women… Roosh’s How to Consistently attract Brazilian girls
Weekend Eye Candy: Hooter Girls Invade Vegas
Motivating little article on the Art of Being Ridiculous
A collection 177 Pua Openers you can use tonight.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.