Top 5 Flirting Tips For Men

Flirting Over Text Message

The significance of flirting has greatly increased in the past two decades. If you go back in history, you can quickly see the evolution of flirting why it plays an integral part in today?s society.

Before the 19th century, relationships were brought together by force. Being single was a sign of laziness. Therefore, people would marry first, then fall in love later. In the 19th century, men and women took control and romantic love became first priority. For quite some time, relationships were mostly found through their school and the average age to marry was around 20. Around the 1950s, all hell broke loose to the system of courtship.

Men and women started to pursue college and careers and the need for flirting started to be introduced. Around the 1980s, a man?s success started to greatly rely upon his ability to flirt with women. And as the 20th century rolled around, flirting became a crucial part in courtship, and the importance of knowing how to flirt became essential. It is necessary to know how to flirt and to know the latest flirting tips.

For decades after this reform, the man and the woman took on new challenges. Women had to learn how to look sexy and weed out the uninteresting men. Men had to take control and approach the women they wanted. The fear of rejection became very real. Now it?s plain to see, that the men that know how to flirt become successful with women and the ones who don?t take whatever they can get.

The first thing you need to know is that flirting is something learned and no one is born with a natural ability to flirt. Every man has had to learn how to do it and you can to.

Flirting is the first step in any intimate relationship. This is what starts the fire and creates the attraction. Most importantly, flirting defines a mans success with women. So let?s jump into the top 5 flirting tips for men:

Flirting Tip #1 – Have Physical Connection

You need to start communicating through physical communication. Flirting with physical communication is much more powerful than flirting through verbal communication. The first step, is to touch/grab her hand. I do this by seeing something interesting and then grabbing her hand to get her attention and point it out. Another easy way is if you are in a crowded scene and you move somewhere else, grab her hand and take her there instead of just having her follow. Palm reading also works. When I?m holding her hand, I will gently squeeze it and then toss it away as if she said something that could be offensive in some little way. She will feel that empty void on her hand after that and want to feel it again. You could also playfully slap her hand away if she is grabbing for something.

After you initiate the touch in a safe way, wait for her to touch you back. If she touches you back, then you are set to keep pursuing. If she doesn?t, you might want to consider she is not ready for that and you need to back off a little. Most importantly, if she is touching you, then she feels you are a safe man to be with. And finding safe men is one of the most important things to women. This is a touchy subject, and if applied at the right time, you are golden.

Flirting Tip #2 – Leave On A High

The most important part of a conversation is the same as the most important part of a speech, and that is the ending. The way you end and the feeling you give in that ending is what lasts and makes the final imprint about yourself. It?s the same thing as molding clay; you can mold clay however you want, but when you leave it, and it dries, that is what you have to remember it by.

For example, if you are planning on meeting up, don?t end off saying, ?We will see you then, bye.? You want to end off with her laughing. So instead, say something like, ?Yeah just try not to embarrass me.? or ?Don?t forget to paint your toe nails.? or ?This is where you say you can?t wait to see me and hope you can keep your hands to yourself.? ?(READ MORE)


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About tyler tray Tyler Tray has developed a highly successful program proven to increase a man's success with women through texting. To learn more visit Tips to Texting where you'll discover exactly what text messages women love to read. Go to: Tips to Texting to get over 101 proven text messages guaranteed to increase your success with women. You'll be blown away by what these texting secrets can do for your dating life.

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