Best Weekend Reading from Around the Web
I’ve published a couple guest articles recently on some other sites. Check out my article 3 ways improve your conversations with women on the The Bachelor Guy.
And on Dating Advice Secrets I published the article 6 Conversation topics for better conversations with women.
Watch this: How to get inside a girl’s head Webinar
I’ve been thinking a lot about this idea of being the hero in your own life… so i really enjoyed Steve Scott’s recent article titled Embark on your Hero’s Journey all about taking control and facing your obstacles in heroic fashion.
Cool tech shit: 10 Essential gadgets you need for your car.
Just a Guy thing posted a good Joseph Mathews articles called How to Cultivate your Image.
Weekend Eye Candy: Sport’s Illustrated Miss Swimsuit 2010 Brooklyn Decker
With spring break coming up you might want to check out this article on picking up girls on the beach. You might also want to check out DHRs ebook on Beach Game Pickup.
Speaking of spring break, here are the 11 types of girls you’ll meet on Spring Break.
One of the most insightful female dating instructors, Kezia, posted a really good article about using double sided compliment for picking up women.
Weekend Eye Candy: 100 Sexy Asian Babes
Rob Judge wrote a good article over on his blog called 10 things a newbie should learn about picking up women.
Taking a trip with your buddies… check out the 6 best man-cations…
Must read:
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.