How to Spark Sexual Attraction in Conversations
Welcome back to another awesome edition of Ask #1 where I answer questions on this mysterious thing called Game from readers, just like you. Today?s question from a reader comes from Rax and is something that I think a lot of guys can relate to:
I can?t seem to build any into my conversations. Do you have any tips for taking a conversation to a sexual level?
The ability to turn conversations sexual is one of the most important aspects of escalating things with a woman. Having the ability to add this sexual fire to your conversations with women makes sure that they go where you want them to go. So how does one start turning conversations sexual?
The easiest way to start sexualizing a conversation is to begin with sexualized teasing. For example, as I?m talking to a girl and she?s laughing I may tease her not to ?Throw her panties at me already.??Or I may spill a little bit of my drink on her by ?mistake??and then when she complains about me getting her wet, I?ll reply ?I have that effect on women.??By teasing a girl on sexual subjects, you begin the process of opening up a sexual dialogue.
The next thing I want to do is use bait and cold reads to start to bring out a sexualized part of her personality. Every girl has a sexual side, an aggressive side, a non judgmental side, etc. It?s up to us to bring out those parts of her personality and empower her to act on those subconscious desires. Cold reads and bait are a great way to do that. For example, I might say the following:
?I can see you being the kind of girl who is too hesitant about things that you like to do, and more aggressive over things that you have to do.? (Cold Read)
?I totally can?t even say this too you???(Bait)
?I bet you totally have to have all the lights off when you are with a guy.? (Sexual Cold Read)
Then I?ll change the subject back to talking about her and why she?s hesitant in certain situations and empowered in others. But by getting the subject of sex on the table, I can come back to it later. And I?ve started to give her something to pushback against. The idea that she has to have all the lights off is an example of anti-social labeling. I like to think about these as pushbacks as they give the girl a self image to push back against. When she pushes back against it and tells me that it doesn?t matter if she has the lights on or not, SHE will be continuing the sexual talk. Thus talking about sex appears to be her idea, instead of yours.
After I have gotten the idea of sex as well as the girl as a sexual being on the table, I can be more direct with my sex talk. In fact 30 minutes into a conversation I will almost always ask girls ?What are you into sexually?? This is a great question because it allows you to really open up a dialogue about her fantasies. Just be sure to end the sex talk first, so that you don?t look sexually desperate, which is a bigger turn off than bad breath.
>>>Check out Advanced Strategies for Sexual Comfort where Sinn goes in depth on how to get a girl completely comfortable with you turning the conversation sexual.
Hope that helps you sexualize those conversations Rax.
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About john sinn Sinn is widely regarded as the second best PUA in the world. Sinn is known for his hard nosed style and take no excuses approach to teaching. He is a nondenominational teacher, which means that he subscribes to no particular method and instead blends the best of every school of seduction to create the best possible results for himself and his students. Sinn is currently running his own pick up company The Sinns Of Attraction, which offers live, phone and email training.