Best Weekend Reading From Around the Web
Here is a list of some recent dating advice articles I have written throughout the web.
On a great personal development blog I recently found, Scot writes a refreshingly honest account of what ruins a lot of relationships.
I made this short video explaining how to “skip the small talk” and get right into the meat of a conversation with a woman. This technique will definitely amp up the interest in your talks.
Best Weekend Eye Candy: Awesome Saturday Babes
Here is some fashion advice for you guys. 6 Wardrobe stables that adapt to anything. In other words, items you need in your closet.
13 Ways to Have a threesome. Nuff said.
Author of of the great travel book Vagabond, Rolf Potts shares 5 Travel lessons you can use at home.
Speaking of travel, here are 9 Spring Breaks I wish I was going to… and I’d bring this Spring Break Survival Guide.
Anyone on a journey to personal growth should read Steve Pavlina’s latest Tapping the Promise of Personal Growth.
If you trying to rid your life of some negative influences- read- 10 ways to get rid of a friend.
I’m sure you’ve met the 5 girls you run into at a college bar.
Best Weekend Eye Candy: 2 Girls kissing at a Bull’s Game
If you haven’t watched my How to Make a Woman Laugh video… check it out now.
Here are 10 television shows every guy should be watching. ‘
Speaking of television shows… if you haven’t already seen “Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia“… Do yourself a favor and buy it now…. Trust me, this is the funny show I’ve seen in awhile. (other than East Bound and Down)
Brad Jackson gives a cool demonstration of a magic trick called the Human ATM.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.