Best Weekend Reading from Around the Web
I’m sure you can learn a few things about success from this guy… 7 must read success lessons from Donal Trump.
Here are 3 common mistakes we make when trying to improve our self confidence.
For College guys: How to throw the ultimate college party.
Just released a video on how to keep a conversation going in a fun and sexy way over at my Make Small Talk Sexy blog. You can also read the entire article on how to improve your conversations with women.
Awesome free report: 58 High Value Facebook Status Updates
Entropy has posted a couple good articles lately.. the first being about women with low self esteem, and the other article was about whether or not attraction is instant.
Weekend Eye Candy: 12 Hottest Women in MMA
I’ve been through all 7 stages of beer drinking.
A pretty accurate pie chart showing you why you’re not getting laid.
How to be a single guy with some dignity. How about a post on how to be in a relationship and maintain your dignity.. I know quite a few men who need to read that one..
Awesome free book: Vin Carlo just released a 10 page “mind reading” report. It is stellar stuff. He asks for an email.. but so what? I’m sure enough people have your email that one more won’t make a difference…
Lance lets us in on why he enjoys but sex… yea, giving it.. not getting it.
Women can be douchebags too. 25 Examples of the female kissy face.
Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.